Chapter 11: A Skirmish outside the Flat.

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Niall’s P.O.V.

“It’s time? It’s peanut butter jelly time?” I asked and had to contain my laughter.

“Peanut butter jelly time?” Tyone asked chuckling.

“It’s a human thing from a show.” He nodded his head real slow than shook it.

“I don’t get it.” He said matter of fact.

“That’s okay. But what time is it?” I asked Tyone. He was about to speak before Laius cut him off.

“It’s time for battle young one.” His voice was amazing and I could melt. That made me sound really creepy. I nodded at what he said and suddenly everyone vanished. I apparently soon followed and appeared in front of the flat.

“What are we doing here? My flat? Really?” Apparently no one heard me and I was getting angry. I was about to say something before someone cleared their throat. I turned in the direction of the throat being cleared and saw Miryas there with a lot of demons.

“Hello pathetic angels. I see you brought some help.” Miryas’ tone was anger and I shivered in a slight fear. “So now that everyone is here. You’re going to die. That is just a fact. Pure and simple. You didn’t even bring back up. You’re outnumbered and don’t stand a chance. Giv—“He was cut off by the sound of the wind picking up and four figures appearing next to him. Zayn, Louis, Harry and Liam stood there with glowing red eyes and swords drawn.

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes and I wanted to do nothing more than hug them, but I couldn’t. I needed to be strong if the plan I was coming up with was going to be right.

“You have some nerve to bring them here.” Gabriel said angrily and stood in front of me. My dad followed suit and so did Raphael. “This isn’t a place for that kind of fight Miryas.”

“Then what place is good for it?” Satan appeared and my eyes widened in horror. I felt the others tense up and I could feel the power begin to rise.

“Who invited you to this party Lucy?” Tyone spoke up. “I don’t think anyone did at all. You shouldn’t even be here.” He finished what he was saying and Satan was gone. Holy crap he has power and he just sent away an extremely powerful being.

“You will die Niall.” Zayn said rather harshly and I felt myself getting angry. It wasn’t at him; it was at the evil inside of him. Inside all of them. Liam was born with it, but he was so caring and kind. I figured he wasn’t like his dad, but in other ways he was. I heard a growl and saw the demons charging at us.

Instantly I changed into my armor and had my bow out. I took a second to glance at the others around me and they all had their bows out as well. We released a volley of angelic arrows into the demons before our bows vanished and were replaced by swords. The demons were upon us all of a sudden and we were holding fast. I heard the fast swings of the seraphim near me and soon I saw Tyone and Laius out in the front wielding dual blades of fire. Demons were falling fast before them. I heard a yell and soon was slammed into the ground with so much force that the asphalt was torn up. I healed instantly thanks to my training and jumped up.

Standing not far away were the other four looking at me with hate. They raised their swords and charged at me. I blinked and jumped back, raising my sword to block something. That something came sooner than expected and saw Louis’s sword against mine. I was shocked that I could hold my own against him and realized that I had fought against archangels. Louis wasn’t anything that scary. I mean he was when he had fits of rage, but otherwise he was such a big teddy bear. I saw another sword coming in from the right and drew on my power to make another sword.

I let go of my sword with my right hand and instantly brought up another sword to block the other sword. I couldn’t believe it that I had created another sword. Yes now I can fight them easier. I swung both swords of mine and dislodged their swords. I felt two others coming behind me and instantly flew into the air. I heard a swoosh of air and looked down to see them following me. I couldn’t believe that I was fighting my best friends. My brothers. I decided to do something that I was known for doing and turn on them. I swung my body around and using all the energy I could muster, flew straight toward them. They didn’t stop charging me and soon I collided with Liam. I grabbed his armor and he was trying to a hold of me, but he couldn’t for some reason.

I brought Liam straight on a group of demons and flew back up. I grabbed Harry and threw him away from me somewhere. The same thing happened with Louis. I turned to face Zayn who was flying there, looking straight at me. He had an evil smirk on his face and I couldn’t believe it.

“I thought you trusted me Niall. Why are you fighting me? I thought we were brothers.” The evilness in Zayn’s voice drove me over the edge. I flew straight at him, shocking him and grabbed him. I sent him crashing toward the ground where Liam was. I sent light bolts out of my hand into the area. Explosions were ripping up the ground all around the battle and no one seemed to be paying attention to me. I was really thankful for this because I would’ve been dead.

I continued to hurl bolts at them and felt something coming fast from behind me. I stopped and turned around to see Louis flying straight at me with his bow out. He began shooting at me and I started to dodge them. He looked shocked and continued to shoot at me. Harry suddenly appeared next to him shooting at me as well. I dodged both of them and felt myself wanting to make something. I thought about making a lot of bows and suddenly a lot of bows appeared in front of me, all drawn back and ready to fire. Harry and Louis stopped instantly and dove down to hide. The bows followed them like homing missiles and instantly shot. The battle noise below was covered by the hiss of the arrows flying at them. The arrows missed me barely and vanished.

I was about to do something when I heard my dad shout at me.




There will be one more chapter in this story! O.O... D: SAD PANDA!!!!!


P.S. You're seeing a glimspe of Niall's power. 


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