Chapter 2: I Obey to Save

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Liam’s P.O.V.

            Ever since the threat he gave me about either destroying the lads or corrupting them I have been worried. I am worried about them all; though I am worried about Niall most because he is so innocent. He just seems to be piecing everything together really quickly. I am not about to tell him though that I am doing this to save them. The feeling of saving them is more important to me than my own actions. I am just finishing getting ready finally when I hear a door open. I quickly teleport to my bed and cover myself in a fake position for sleeping. I hear light footsteps slowly approaching my door which soon opens quietly. It can only be one person, Niall.

            He opens the door and closes it almost as quickly. Now is my chance to leave. I quickly teleport away and appear at the area I was told to meet him. I feel the guilt and everything just slams into me like a wave. I brush it aside and quickly head over to a small shop I see to get something to eat and drink before my meeting. It takes less than two minutes to get everything I need and I slow head back to the spot. The idea of coming to terms with a deal from the demon is sickening to me, but the thought of losing my best friends is worse. Why did it have to come like this?


            I decided that today would be a good day to check out the newest coffee shop near the flat. Apparently they had amazing tea and I just had to try it. The lads were still asleep so I left a note on the living room table that I went out for tea. I would be back before they got up anyways, but still just in case. I put on my jacket and slipped outside. The air refreshed my senses as I began my walk towards the shop. Today was going to be a good day and nothing was going to spoil it.

            After a good walk, I arrived at the new shop. I stepped inside to catch the scent of new furniture and new paint. After looking at everything including the menu; I stepped forward to order a simple medium tea with no sugar. It didn’t take long for my order and I took my first sip. It was perfect. I smiled, told them to have a nice day and walked out.  After only a couple steps I froze with the feeling of dread washing over me. I slowly turned around to see something I never wished to see for quite some time. There before my eyes was a demon. No, it was worse. It was Miryas. Demons and angels can’t be seen by normal humans which I was thankful for because there were a lot of people at the shop. Normally it just looks like, well I don’t know what it looks like to humans. “Don’t worry little angel, they can’t see us. I made sure of it.”

            I dropped my tea and got into my fighting stance. “Stupid angel, you don’t stand a chance against me.” He drew his demonic blade as he said it. My wings instantly appeared and I began to glow. “I think I might be able handle you.” I replied confidently. My sword appeared in my hand. I was ready for a fight. The demon just smiled before charging at me with blinding speed. I was ready though and side stepped him, slicing his torso area decently. The wound vanished instantly causing me to widen my eyes. I blinked twice quickly to make sure I saw that right because only the most powerful angels like Louis and extremely powerful demons can do that. My sudden thoughts proved to be my downfall as I felt an extreme pain in my stomach. I looked down to see a medium-sized wound. I tried to begin healing it, but that would exhaust my energy so I stopped. I looked back up to see the demon standing there smiling with dark thoughts rolling in his head. Before I could raise my weapon or anything, I was slammed onto my stomach. My sword flew a little bit away from me. He planted his foot on my back which caused me to yell in pain and get the wind knocked out of me. He was getting ready to say something and fear poured over me.

            “Pitiful angel scum.” The malice drips out of his mouth as he says the words. “Weak, pathetic, attached, concerned and what is this? Fear?” He smirks knowing he has me beat. He spits and continues, “It makes me sick to even think about your weakness. Though I can use that weakness to my advantage. It would be wise to heed my next words carefully little angel.” The pure evilness in his voice makes me sick and shutter.  He grabs me and flips me over on my back so quickly I don’t have time to respond. He is standing next to me, grinning, while fire dances in his eyes.

Saving the Fallen (One Direction FanFic) (Under Major Editing)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum