Chapter 3: I Lost a Brother!

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Niall’s P.O.V.

            I slammed my door shut so quickly. I felt disgusted by my words to him. He is my best friend, no he is my brother and I let him down. I accused him. I said those words of evil to him. I shouldn’t be saying those things. I should be trying to help him. My breathing slowly started to increase and soon I was hyperventilating. Zayn probably heard it because my door opened and he walked in.

            “Nialler, what’s wrong mate? You need to relax. Please just relax.” He said calmly. He sat on my bed and just rubbed my back, telling me it was okay and just to calm down. My body slowly began to ease up and soon I felt chill. “Now, what’s wrong?” My face turned toward Zayn and I felt completely helpless. No words came out, just sobs. I leaned against Zayn and just cried. He held me tight and just hugged me. After a long while of sitting there, my body relaxed and I looked at Zayn.

            “You guys know what’s wrong and it’s why you don’t believe me. I know I am right Zayn. Let me use my powers! I can show you.” I profusely stated, spitting a couple times. My eyes met his, which seemed to be searching mine. I hope Zayn believed me; I felt like he did. I thought too soon again. “You know you can’t use your powers like that. We have rules for a reason Niall. I want to believe you, but I can’t.” His response was calm and seemed to be well rehearsed. A single tear fell down his cheek before he got up and walked out.

            I took a deep breath and fell back on my bed. The tears came out like a flood of guilt and despair. Angels shouldn’t ever have to feel those, but because we have a human side we do. My bed is so comfortable, but I couldn’t sleep like this. If I even attempted to use my angel powers; every single person in our flat would know. Hopelessness started to creep into my mind, when I had a brilliant idea. I would just go speak with Liam. Slowly and methodically, I moved quietly out of my room making no sound. The telly wasn’t on and I couldn’t see him; my eyes shifted when I felt a pair of eyes looking at me from the end of the hallway. Liam stood there, looking at me to see what I was going to do. Confusion and guilt pained his eyes while I felt anger creeping off him as well. His eyes flashed red for a second and my instant reaction was to challenge him with my white eyes. His right eyebrow raised in confusion.

            “Why did you just flash your angel eyes at me Niall?” His question was direct and to the point. I groaned and mentally slammed myself into a wall for doing it. I couldn’t find words at all to respond. “Niall?” His voice was full of concern. It broke my heart and I felt the tears starting to appear. “Why did you take the fall and risk everything Liam?” My voice broke at the last part, hope fleeing fast. It was replaced with anger and protection. His face changed suddenly and I wasn’t ready.

"Niall, when will you learn SOMETHINGS IN LIFE take risks?" Liam snapped at me, making me flinch and hide from him. I hated this new Liam. No one else saw it, but me. "You have no idea how much PAIN YOU CAUSE ME!" I cause him pain? I began to cry, causing Liam's facial expressions to soften. "O my gosh. I am sorry Niall! I am so sorry!" I fell to the floor, hurting from sadness and brokenness.

"You can't control it Liam, I know what has happened to you." I said sobbing into my shirt. "You don't realize you are splitting us apart. The boys don't trust me anymore. We are a team Liam! A FREAKING TEAM!" My whole body began to glow with power. I stood up in one swift movement, extending my wings which caused a few pictures to fall off the wall. I felt such immense power. It all happened so fast that it could have been a dream, but it wasn’t. I raised my hand at Liam who froze in spot holding his neck. My hand began to swing from left to right which caused Liam to fly against the wall a couple times. He fell slowly down to the floor and I realized what I just did. I hurt my friend. No! I hurt my brother. The wings disappeared and I fell to the floor crying. Liam stood up, shaking it off and turned toward me.

Liam looked at me and his eyes began to glow red. “I hate you Niall. Find another friend!” He said honestly, coating each word with hate. I blinked and he was gone. Just like that. I knew I had lost a brother to something I couldn't fight against. My heart was broken. “Niall!” I heard a voice calling to me. I looked around and saw no one. “Niall!” There it was again. My eyes wondered around the room, feeling betrayed by my brain that it was playing tricks on me. “I saw everything Niall! Please listen to me, open your eyes fully.”

My eyes suddenly became their angelic white color and I saw Zayn standing at the end of the hallway behind where Liam had been standing. His eyes said it all; the pain and torment that he just hopefully witnessed. His wings extended in a fighting manner, while in his hands he held his sword. Quickly, they all vanished from sight and he walked over to me. “I believe you now Niall! You won’t convince Harry or even Louis so easily; though you probably just earned something really big.” My eyes grew wide at what he just said and I still second guessed slightly. He had changed so quickly in believing me. “You saw everything, you say? What caused you to wanna know?” My double questions shot out so quickly, I needed to take a deep breath to relax.

“I had just teleported into the hall when you walked out of your room. I quickly hid though I don’t know what caused me to want to hide. Liam appeared right in front of me so fast I jumped back into my angelic fighting stance. I heard what he said. I saw the red mist that came off of him. I don’t even have the words to say more. I just wanna give you a hug!” His eyes saw pain, sadness, hurt, anger and so much more. He enveloped me in a strong bear hug, not letting go. I didn’t care about how tight the hug was; I just cried into his shoulder. “When Liam gets back; I think I am going to have a word with him.” His voice startled me out of my thoughts that I started having. I nodded in his shoulder and began to stand up. “Where do you think you are off too?” His question hit me so quickly.

“To save my brother Zayn! I don’t care if it gets me in trouble, removed from being an angel or what! I will save him.” My voice told him that I wasn’t kidding. He nodded and smiled weakly. “I wish you all the best Nialler.” My mouth dropped open and I just stared at him. “Seriously? No, don’t go do it. It’s against the rules?” I felt shocked that Zayn just said that. I know our fans see him as a rebel, mystery person, but what?  “We are beyond rules now Niall. This is saving a friend who had fallen. Remember the ancient prophecy that we learned?” I nodded furiously, knowing full well what it said. My eyes began to glow again.

“A fallen angel to bring hell to the world. A demon lord to corrupt all, but the One. An angel of strongest power to fight the evil inside the fallen angel. The One brings balance at the cost of life. Destiny is written in One, while it is forged in the four mounted warriors. Only the One can save the fallen from destroying good. One can fall as well. One must succeed.” I said out loud to Zayn as my eyes went from glowing white to not. “It’s time Niall for this to happen. Go save him.” I nodded and went to the same spot Liam had been standing in. I could still see the faint trail of vapor from him teleporting.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I was about to break every single rule, we angels had for following our own kind. I focused my energy around his vapor and pulled on it. I felt the world around me spin, twist and flip as I appeared in a new space. My eyes wondered the area before they landed on Liam talking to someone. No, he was talking to something. Miryas! I instantly felt my wings grow; my sword appeared in hand and I was dressed for battle. “Get away from Liam you vile bastard!” I shouted causing both to turn in astonishment. I was running forward when I heard something behind me. I turned with speed I didn’t think possible and my eyes grew wide.

            “Liam! Help me!”

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