Chapter 1: A Flashback

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Niall’s P.O.V


            “Will you guys just lay off me? I AM TOTALLY FINE. There is nothing wrong with me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I am off to get some sleep.” Liam just totally exploded in our faces and we had said only hi. I felt so heartbroken to see one of my best friends’ just shout at us. He never does this at all or well he used to never do this. Recently the boys and I have been seeing a lot of changes in Liam. He didn’t feel like the same old Liam nor did he act like it.

            I heard the door to his room slam shut and I sighed heavily before looking back over to the boys just sitting there with confused looks. Harry slowly spoke, “He’ll come round Niall. Don’t you worry; just smile and think to the future.” I smiled with a little more comfort at what Harry just said. “Don’t you think it is a bit odd that all these changes to Li have only been in the past few days?” I couldn’t help those words; they just slipped out. All of them turned to look straight me. I seriously hoped that I wasn’t only one thinking this, but all simple good thoughts must be killed somehow.

            “Niall, we are One Direction. We have an extremely stressful, really amazing job. Liam is probably just stressed because we only just finished the full album release.” Zayn said thoughtfully, which for him was unusual. “Don’t forget to mention, we still have our angel duties.” Louis chirped quickly. “He could be exhausted from a battle he had with a demon.” I nodded as Louis finished. I thought quickly to myself that battling demons takes a toll on our human side, draining our energy. Though I don’t remember ever feeling like I lost energy after demon fights I had had.

            I love being an angel. All of us do. We can fly, transform into things which are useful in hiding from the paparazzi, create things to help us, teleport, and use amazing weapons and don’t forget the special powers. I wish I had my special power along with Harry; we didn’t have one yet because of our age. As I am thinking about all this; it suddenly dawns on me. “What if Liam contacted a demon or was contacted by one?” The words shot out of my mouth so fast that I hoped that actually heard me.

            I figured out pretty quickly that they heard me, when I saw all three heads snap back in my direction. I mentally groaned and began for the lecture of a lifetime. Surprisingly it didn’t come like I was expecting it too. “Niall, do you have any proof of this claim?” Louis asked seriously which wasn’t like him at all. As angels, when we think one of our own came into contact with a demon; it is downright serious business and a serious claim. I had to gather my thoughts quickly.

            “I only have one thing.” I muttered quietly, hoping to avoid their gazes. “Well, what is it Nialler?” Zayn said leaning in to hear what I had to say. “It is simple, but my proof is how fast Liam has changed in the last few days. He has gone from being extremely happy, kind and friendly to dark, angry and secretive. Those are not traits of an angel guys.” I replied confidently and relieved to just say it.  Zayn turned his neck slightly, frowning, clearly displeased with my answer. I turned looking from him to Harry. He had the same exact look. I groaned and turned to see Louis’s eyes glowing their angelic white color. I felt the color drain from my face.

            “Niall, we need real proof that Liam was with a demon. I don’t want to joke about this at all.” Louis spoke with authority and power. His voice echoed itself and he was glowing slightly. I looked down at the floor, suddenly finding my shoes nice. I knew I had to obey Louis. He was the head angel for now and his power I felt like couldn’t be matched. Liam was the human leader and I felt lost because Liam was slowly being pushed away; I felt it and Louis didn’t believe me.

Saving the Fallen (One Direction FanFic) (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now