Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning


"How does it feel to be finished your first semester?" Do Yun asked as I sat down across from him at our usual Wednesday meeting spot.

"Absolutely brilliant. One semester left and I'm finished university forever," I said in relief.

"Then what? Are you moving back to Hoju?" he asked.

"Probably. My visa is only a study visa."

He was quiet for a moment, as if deciding whether or not he wanted to ask me his next question, but he asked anyway. "What about Park Joon Soo? What will happen to you both if you move back?"

I looked at my lap, my gut churning slightly. "I don't know."

"Have you not talked about it?"

I shook my head. "I don't want to think about it, to be honest."


"Because I can't reason a good way for this to end. I've studied English literature, so there's no career path for me here. He doesn't speak any English. I don't see how it would work..."

We were both silent for a while. The noise of talking and clinking glasses and plates around us seemed to grow more loudly. "Well, if he lets you slip out of his fingers, I will follow you to Hoju and marry you instead."

Rolling my eyes, I gently hit him on the arm. "You're funny."

He grinned cockishly. "I know."

Reaching across the table, I opened his book up.

"But I wasn't joking," is what his next words sounded like, but they were barely audible, spoken under his breath.

I looked up at him, my eyebrows furrowed. "What did you say?"

He grinned again at me. "Nothing at all."


"Thanks for dropping me home," I said as I demounted the motor bike, handing him back the helmet.

"It's no problem. Anything for you, Audrey."

I grinned at him and turned to leave.


I spun around.

"Thank you."

"What for?"

"A number of things."

I walked closer and glared at him. "What for?"

"For tutoring me. For hanging out with me. For staying."

I pushed him gently. "Don't thank me for that. It's what friends are for."

"No, really. Most people at my university look down at me for not being as quick as them to pick up everything. My family didn't even expect me to get into university. I was supposed to get a labour job. I'm the first person from my family to go to university, so..."

"You know I'm not someone to judge others based on wealth or brains. I've had enough of judgement in my past."

"You wouldn't stop being my friend, no matter what?"

"No matter what."

Rather than his normal, cheeky grin, a small, but genuine smile spread across Do Yun's face. His eyes stayed on me for a while, until finally he shook his head and popped the helmet on. "Park Joon Soo is such a lucky man. I hope he knows that."

"Get going, punk."

I watched Do Yun ride around the corner before turning around and heading back inside.

Closing the door behind me, I turned around and saw Hye Ri, asleep on her bed with the book hanging out of her hand.

"If you sleep like that you'll wake up with back pains," I mumbled.

I approached her and corrected her body.

"And you didn't even take off your make! You'll get old quickly, you silly girl."

After removing her makeup and setting her book aside, I opened the fridge to find some food.

For Audrey, was written on a post-it-note, stuck on a container.

I pulled out the container and opened the lid. Japchae. Delicious.


Joon Soo: I'm home.

Me: Long day?

Joon Soo: Don't get me started. Three more days and I will finally get paid for my efforts!

Me: Great! You deserve it.

Joon Soo: What are you doing?

I sent him a picture of my dinner. Eating.

Joon Soo: Looks yummy. Did you make it?

Me: No, Hye Ri did. She left some out for me.

Joon Soo: What a great friend. Baek Hu tells me to cook for him.

Me: I know. I have great friends. Really great friends. And you are living off him for free right now...

Joon Soo: Not a great boyfriend? :(

Me: No.

Me: An amazing boyfriend.

Joon Soo: :)

Joon Soo: I have to go to bed now, my amazing girlfriend. I'm about to fall asleep texting this.

Me: Okay. Sleep well!

Joon Soo: Saranghae.

Me: Saranghae.

I finished my dinner, brushed teeth, had a shower, then climbed into bed. I was happy, really happy, for the first time in what felt like an eternity. And I was also so scared.

I really have some great friends, I thought. 


Surprise mid-week upload! :D YAY!

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