'It's my mother' he sighed, 'yes mother' she said. 'Mother now is not a great time, you are already downstairs?' he snapped. I let myself fall back on the bed. I really hope she is alone. 'And Jocelyn is there too' he groaned. 'Yes mother I know she is my sister but her behavior to Alex is unforgivable, no she isn't willing to talk about it. The things she said really hurt her' he snapped. 'Don't bring it up once your up alright' he said. 'I'll be there in a sec' and he ended the call. 'They are coming up aren't they?' I asked. He nodded, 'we could leave them hanging there and just have amazing sex while they wait' he grinned. 'Just let's get dressed and get this over with' I said and we covered are bodies with the clothes that layed on the floor.

'Mother what a great suprise' Tim said and hugged his mother. Jocelyn was eying me, I was ignoring her stare and hugged his mother too. 'Dear I am so sor-' she started. 'Mother what did I just tell you' Tim snapped. 'Maybe she wants to talk about it' his mother tried. 'No she doesn't, the only ones that want to talk about this, are you two. If she wants to talk about this, she will talk to me understood' he said. 'This is no way to talk to your own mother Tim' Jocelyn said. 'And you have no right for speaking, I am asking you both again understood?' he asked. He was kind of harsh but I understood him. He wants to protect me at all costs.

'I just want to know where he is buried or what his name was' she asked looking at me. 'I said no end of discussion, you both want to stay then those things can't be talked about in here' he snapped. 'Fine' his mother said giving in on her son. Tim took my hand and pulling me to the living room, next to him on the couch. 'Dear I am so delighted that we are going to spend thanksgiving together. This will be so great and fun. Finally we will meet your family, it's about damn time' she said. 'Oh yes my siblings can't wait to meet you all' I said. 'How many siblings do you have?' his mother asked me. 'I have four siblings, you will meet one by one with thanksgiving' I said. 'Any allergies I should know about?' I asked them. They both shook their heads.

'And what about Christmas? maybe we can spend those together too as one big happy family?' his mother suggested. I knew that were not our plans. Not his anyway. 'Actually mother' he started. 'We spend Christmas together every year' Jo said and obvious still thought it would still be that way. 'We already spend thanksgiving together, this will be the first Christmas with Alex' he said. 'She can come of course, we will sit by the tree and opening presents with something to snack. It will be so much fun don't you think Jo?' her mother asked her.

'Actually I hoped he would come alone, this is kind of a family tradition' she said. Shit is going to get down, she is not going to like the plans Tim made for the two of us. Not including any family. 'I've decided, because we spend thanksgiving together with all the family that we spend Christmas without family. Just the two of us, with our own little family' he said.

There was silence, no one said anything yet. I am a little afraid of their reaction. 'But we celebrate it together every year' his mother said. 'I know that but things have changed, I want it to spend it with Alex this year. Just the two of us' he said. I looked at Jo, who was turning bright red of anger. 'We spend it together every year, I am your sister. We are your family and not this this- child dying, druggie whore' she snapped. 'What did you just say?' Tim asked and she knew she was screwed.

'I am sorry I didn't mean that its just, we spend it together always and now you are going to back out' she said. 'You are not my family anymore, you obvious still hasn't accepted Alex in this family as my girlfriend and as your family' he said. 'No and I never will, she has bad intentions for you and I am the only one to see that' she said standing up and eying her little brother. 'Alright then, this is it thanksgiving we will spend time together as a family but it will be the last time. At least for you, after that you are not aloud anymore in my no our lives Jo. It's done' he said. 'I think it's time for you both to go' he said.

They didn't know what to do, they just nodded and left the apartment. 'Tim I never wanted this to happen, you don't have to say goodbye to your sister for me' I whispered to him while rubbing his shoulders. 'Yes it must, she won't accept you and till she does we are not on speaking terms' he said. I nodded. 'I am sorry Tim, that was not something I wanted to happed for you' I said. 'I know angel, I have you and that is all I need'. 'You are the sweetest' I said and kissed his lips.

'I pray god on my bare knees everyday that I was so lucky to see you standing there in that diner' he said. 'And I am thankful for you not giving up on me' I said. 'I needed to know you, I had to know who you were before giving up. But once I realized you were that special I didn't want to give up at all' he said and kissed my hand lovingly. 'I am so in love with you' I whispered while I crawled on his lap. 'I love you too' he said before he kissed me passionately.

I just wanted to kiss him again when the doorbell rang. I sighed, 'they are not back are they?' I asked him a little scared for who is behind that door. 'I can't imagine' he said and opened the door. 'Tessa?' he said and let her in. 'Hello Tim' she said. 'Oh Alex you are here, I thought you would be in your own apartment by now' she said a little nervous. 'Why would you think that?' I asked her. 'I just wanted to chat with Tim for a little bit but you know, it wouldn't hurt now that you are here already' she said and took her seat on kitchen island.

'How are you both?' she asked while I made a cup of tea for all of us. 'We are great thank you' I said. 'And how is the planning going?' I asked her while I gave her a cup of tea. 'I am fantastic thank you' she said. 'Did you pick a location yet?'.

'No but we will soon, we did pick the rings and my dress is coming soon so there is progress. The invitations will leave the door this week, I was just wondering if you wanted to spend Christmas with me and Marcel this year. I really missed you the past couple of Christmases and maybe it's time to do it right for once, what do you say?' she asked me. Is she serious? Is she not seeing my boyfriend standing right beside me or something?

'Actually we decided to spend Christmas just with the two of us' I said. 'Oh really' she said obviously hurt by my words. 'I didn't saw that one coming' she said. 'Why it's a logical step for me to celebrate Christmas with my boyfriend isn't it' I said.

'Are you even moving out of here, or are you just you know staying here with him?' she asked me rather rude. 'Tessa we've been over this, you said you would try to accept him' I said. 'Yes I did, I said I would try but be real Alex. You were never going to leave this place were you?' she said getting angrier with the time.

'Why don't you see he is using you?' she snapped. 'He is consuming you and is trying to hide you for the rest of the world open your god damn eyes' she yelled at me. 'Tessa you are being crazy again, what are you jealous? You should have think of these things before you kicked me out of your apartment' I yelled back. 'Ladies' Tim tried. 'Shut up' we both yelled.

'So you are blaming me, for wanting my own life?' she asked me. 'Well you are blaming me so why shouldn't I blame you huh?' I snapped. 'You should be grateful, I took you in as my family and this is how you repay me? I should have left you there to rot' she snapped. I didn't had the words, how could she say those things. 'Get out' I snapped, 'now' I yelled when she didn't move. 'Fine, don't expect a invitation from me for my wedding. You are not my best friend anymore, nor will you ever be' she said before she ran out the apartment.

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