We were in the middle of the movie when my phone rang. I saw it was Tim, 'hi babe' I said. 'Angel where are you' he asked me concerned. 'Tim relax I'm at Tessa's place' I said. 'Oh thank god, I've been searching for you I was worried Angel' he said. 'Don't be, I am watching a movie pick me up at eleven alright' 'alright see you later' he said and we hang up on each other. 'Tim?' she asked I nodded. 'I forgot to tell him I was meeting up with you' I said and she grinned. 'He will be alright' she said, 'yes I'm sure' I said.

When the movie was done, I felt my phone buzzing. That must be Tim. 'Thank you for hanging out with me and making me a bridesmaid' I said. 'No problem, I will see you soon alright I keep you updated with the wedding plans' she said. 'Yes of course you do that I will talk to you soon bye Tessa' I said and gave her one last hug.

I walked out and saw Tim in his car waiting for me. 'Hi babe' I said and kissed his lips. 'I missed you today' he said. 'I missed you too, but this is good you know. Good that we miss each other' I said and gave him one last kiss. 'Or maybe not, I want to spend the whole day in bed with you. Just the two of us' he said. 'I know but we can't we have stuff to do' I said. He nodded while he started the car. 'Have you thought about Christmas or thanksgiving?' he asked. 'Yes and you know what, let's invite both of our families. They have to meet each other someday so why not then?' I said. 'Alright, I will convince my family you do yours' he said. 'Yes I will try' I said. 'You think they will throw a fit?' 'I am not worried about my siblings, more about my mother. She will throw a fit I am sure of it' I said. 'Angel everything will be alright' he said. 'I hope so' I sighed and sat beside my man I deeply love.

'I am stopping by my parents tomorrow' I said when I took a piece of this delicious sushi. Surimi crab is so good with cucumber. 'You want me to come?' he asked. 'No I have to do this alone, I haven't talked to them on my own since I got out. There was always someone with me and I think it's best no, I think that I am ready to face them on my own' I said. 'Good for you angel, I am so proud' he said. 'I know, I love you Tim and that is why I want you to come to my next session with my therapist' I said. 'Really?' he said. 'Yes I have nothing to hide, you love me and you showed me that in so many ways. It's only fair if I repay you somehow' I said and took another bite.

'Sugar listen to me, I know I have things in my past I have to tell you. That is not fair to you and I know that. But I don't want you to feel like you have to repay me for my love I show you. The love you deserve, if you are not ready you don't have to take me at all' he said. 'You are so sweet sometimes' I said. 'Sometimes?' he grinned. 'Yes sometimes, you have your moments but you can be a real pain in the ass' I said. 'Well even though I am that, I am your pain in the ass' he said grinning. 'Are we becoming that couple?' I asked him. 'What couple angel?'

'That couple that can't be without each other, I don't want to be that. We have our own lives and that is okay' I said. 'Angel what are you talking about, we are far from normal love. We love each other, and we show that but it's not like that's all we've got. There is much more' he said. I nodded.

'You know I am so lucky that you didn't give up on me' I said. 'What about it love?' he said. 'Just you know, I wasn't easy. You didn't give up and even wanted it more once you knew about me and my past. That is not something a regular guy would do' I said. 'I am far from regular' he said grinning. 'I know, I wouldn't want that over the world' I said. 'Me being regular?' he asked. I nodded, 'if you were that normal, you wouldn't have found me in that diner. You wouldn't see me struggling to make one cup of coffee and you would have never searched for me the way you did' I whispered.

'That is true angel, but I have to say I kind of liked it you denying me like that. No woman ignored me the way like you did and it was refreshing. I didn't want to let it go' he said. 'Thank god you didn't' I laughed. He nodded.

'Tessa is going to marry by the way' I said, 'really her boyfriend asked her?' I nodded. 'She wants me to be her bridesmaid and she is starting to accept how important you are to me' I said. 'That is great angel' he said and took my hand. 'Let's get to bed shall we' he said. 'No way loverboy, it's not even 9 in the evening. Let me enjoy this moment with you alone' I said. 'What are you proposing?' he asked. 'What about a hot bath?' I said.

'Together, naked in the water?' he asked. I laughed, 'yes that' I said. 'I'm in, go make it happen angel' he said and slapped my bum. 'Hiya' I squeaked. 'I'll join you in a minute' he said I nodded and went to the bathroom. Maybe he can keep my mind off things, like meeting up with my parents.

I walked over to my old house, I am so incredibly nervous to see them all again. It's sunday morning, I knew they are all home so for me the perfect or worst moment to barge in like that. I didn't have a key anymore so I rang the doorbell. At first there was no sign of anyone, but a few minutes later I saw Marshall come to the door. He was shocked to see me. 'Alexandra?' he asked me a little bit confused, or even afraid. 'Hello Marshall, is it okay if I come in?' I asked him. 'Yes of course I don't care what mother says about you. You are still my sister' he said and hugged my body. 'Marshall you have no idea how happy this make me feel' I sighed and walked with him in my old house. The house was still just as big like I remembered.

It felt really weird to be here again, I only came here after I got out and with Tim. 'Come we are eating breakfast' he said. He took my hand and dragged me true the foyer to the dining room. 'Father, mother look who stopped by' Marshall said really excited. But all we could hear was dead silence. I sighed, my mother looked shocked? Afraid? Angry? I never know I what kind of mood she will be.

'Alexandra it is so great to see you' father said. 'Is it?' I asked looking at my mother. She looked red, almost like a tomato. 'What are you doing here? Why didn't you call first?' she asked me. 'Why do I need to call my own family first to ask permission to visit? or so you could send my siblings away like you did last time?' I asked her. I was on to her and she knew that. 'You send us away on purpose?' Marshall said.

'I didn't want my children to be infected by, by-' she stuttered. 'Say it mother' I snapped. 'By the horrible things she had done. I didn't wanted you to infect my children with drugs' she snapped at me. 'Is that really all you see, just a criminal. Am I even your daughter?' I asked her with tears in my eyes.

'Alexandra please that is not how mother meant it' Gemma said trying to sush the whole situation that is get out of hand. 'Gemma shut up for once alright, I just wanted to spend some time with my family, rebuild our connections' I said. 'Finally' Marshall said and hugged me again. 'I missed you buddy' I said and kissed his cheek. 'I missed you too big sis' Rosey said his twin sister and hugged me too. 'I missed you guys, I am sorry for being such a horrible sister' I sobbed.

'You couldn't help it, it's all mothers fault after all' Reese said eying his mother. 'Reese' father snapped. 'What it's true, don't defend her you are just as guilty. We weren't even aloud to go out and you just let her go with that awful boyfriend of her at the time. This lack of supervision is the whole reason she ended up in prison. And then on top of all you two not telling us where she is, is even more horrible' Reese said.

'You knew I was I prison didn't you? How did you found out?' I asked him. 'I have my ways Alex' he said grinning. 'I knew in what prison you were, but I couldn't find out in what cell or your counselor. If I digged just a little deeper' he whispered. 'No this is not your fault and don't even think like that. Mother never saw me as her daughter, she thought of me as a disgrace. Gemma was always so perfect, and amazing. Then me as the second daughter, failing so horribly she couldn't cope with that' I said shrugging my shoulders.

My mother was too stunned to say anything at all. 'But why I came here is to invite you all to thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. Tim is inviting his own family I thought it's a nice opportunity for us all to meet' I said. 'I would love to' Marshall said. 'Marshall that is not for you to decide' mother said. 'But we all want to go' he said. 'That is not true' she yelled and the room fell in silence. 'Alright then, happy celebrating thanksgiving all on your own because these are all coming, I will text you the adres' I said and left the house to go home.

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