26 - D-25 : About Him

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Jerry's mansion - 10:34

"Hey, you lazyass." Brian threw his wet towel at Jason who was lying down on his bed with his eyes closed.

"What?" Jason took the towel and threw it back at Brian, without opening his eyes, but he dodged it.

"Get up." Brian ordered.

"Why?" Jason opened his left eye.

"Sam made breakfast."

"But I don't eat breakfast." Jason put his arms under his head as he closed his eye again.

"She made your favorite honey pancake just for you." Brian crossed his arms as he glared at Jason.

"Ugh." Jason let out a breath and got up. "Do I have to?"

"Listen you ass," Brian grabbed Jason's collar and dragged him down. "She woke up earlier just to make it for you."

"So?" Jason grabbed Brian's wrists. "It's not like I told her to do so or ordered her."

"Still, you should at least do something useful here instead of just lazing around."

"You can't order me." Jason clicked his tongue as he brought Brian's hands down.

"Well you--" Brian closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. "You're lucky you're with Sam or I would've just beaten your ass up." He growled. "Just come down... for her." And he left.

Jason watched him go out of the room and close the door behind him. He let out a deep sigh and messed his fringe.

His eyes then fell on Mark and Jackson who were in the room the whole time. He stared at them as they stared back at him. He noticed Mark glaring at him, but he ignored it and came down from his bed.

As he walked out, the smell of the dishes hit his nose.

"Ugh... why must she be so nice..." He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. "I'm seriously going to pay for what I do with her." He then walked downstairs.

When he walked the last step, he saw Samantha putting dishes on the living room's big coffee table.

As Samantha put the plate of scrambled eggs on the table and turned around, she smiled. "Jason."

Jason smiled widely as he walked towards her, his dimples going deep. "Good morning, Babe." He hugged Samantha.

"Good morning to you too." Samantha hugged him back. "You came."

"Of course I did." Jason chuckled as they let go of each other. "I smelled my favorite food so I came." He patted Samantha's head. "You didn't have to, you know?"

"I know. But I wanted to make it for you." Samantha smiled at him.

"But you don't eat honey yourself." Jason crossed his arms. "As well as sweet food."

"I don't eat them, but others do." Samantha shrugged as she put on a sheepish grin.

"Well, thank you, Babe." Jason give her a small smile as he bent down to kiss her cheek.

"N-No biggie." Samantha smiled widely as her cheeks went red.

Jason chuckled at her reaction and slightly pinched her cheek. "You're so cute."

"Ew I think I'm gonna throw up."

The two turned around and stared at Elena who had her hand on her chest and was acting as if she was throwing up.

Jason rolled his eyes at her. "Guess someone is just jealous."

"Who?" Elena walked to them. "Me?" She pointed to herself.

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