10 - A Visit to JYPE

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S University - 11:30

"You can leave now, but don't forget to submit your designs to the campus' website by the end of the day."

"Yes." Everyone started gathering their stuff.

"We already submitted the designs last night so...give me five!" Samantha and Elena high-fived and got up from their seat. "Let's go~"

They left their class and when they were about to turn around the corner, someone called Elena. "Elena-shi?"

"Damn..." They turned around and saw the four boys they least wanted to see. "Hello Sangmin-shi."

"Long time no see even though we have three classes together." Sangmin grinned.

"Yeah. Pretty weird right?" Elena faked a smile. 'It's not weird when we don't want to run into you.'

"I heard you and Myungjae are quite the good friends now." One of Sangmin's friends, Jaehwan, said.

"Well, you can say that." Elena nodded.

"But what about us? Can't we be good friends as well?" Another one, Minwoon, said pretending to be cute.

Elena faked another smile. "Of course we can be friends as well."

'She should seriously fix her two faced personality.' Samantha shook her head.

"Let's take a walk around the campus, shall we?" The youngest of their group, Dongmin, said and put his arm around Elena's shoulder.

Elena gave him a small death glare. "Actually we--"

"What a good idea, Dongmin." Jaehwan, being the flirt he is, winked at Samantha and locked his arm with her.

'The hell...' Samantha and Elena exchanged glances. 

"Let's go." The boys cheered and dragged the girls with themselves. As they talked about different things between themselves, the girls made small talks.

"How do we escape from them?" Elena whispered.

"I don't know, but I'll let you know when I get an idea." Samantha whispered back.

"We'll go clubbing tonight. Wanna come?" Jaehwan asked while smirking at Samantha.

"No thanks. I have other plans tonight." Samantha tried to unlock their arms, only to get Jaehwan to tighten his grip.

"What kind of plans?"

Samantha glanced at Elena. "Um, you know...girls night out?"

Elena nodded. "Yea, 'girls' night out." The boys nodded. "Just us. The girls." Elena pointed to herself and Samantha.

"Great! We'll come with you."

Elena and Samantha's mouths hung open. 'Didn't they understand the word 'girls'?' They glanced at each other once again as they slowly closed their mouths.

"We'll have so much fun tonight! Kya~" They boys let go of the girls and jumped up and down.

"And I thought we were crazy..." Samantha whispered and Elena nodded.

"Let's run away while they're not looking." Samantha nodded, agreeing with Elena. They looked at the boys, whom were making plans for their 'night out', and then at each other.

"At three." Elena mouthed and Samantha nodded once again. "One," they each took one step back. "Two," and another. "Three!" They turned around and were about to walk away when they got caught.

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