16 - Another Date

115 8 0

Girls' house - 14:36

Elena let out a deep breath as she put Samantha's blanket and pillow on the sofa. "Aigoo~" She stretched her arms in different directions and went to the kitchen to boil some water.

"Ugh~" Samantha's groan could be heard. "This is the third time in the last two hours that I went to the bathroom." Elena peaked and saw Samantha throwing herself on the sofa.

She shook her head and put the kettle on the stove. "What are you doing there anyway?" , "Boiling water for your friend." Samantha grinned sheepishly. "Hot water bottle?"

Elena nodded as she came back to the living room. "Sorry that I have to leave you..." She mumbled and pouted as she sat beside Samantha.

"It's OK." Samantha took her pillow and hugged it. "You didn't tell me one thing from last night." Elena frowned. "What?" , "How Yoongi confessed to you."

Samantha half-smirked as Elena blushed. "Oh that..." , "Yea that." She then started laughing. "Wh-why are you laughing?" Elena blushed more.

"Because this must be how you feel when you tease me about Jason." Elena looked down. "Now, do you feel my pain?" Elena slowly nodded. "Good. Now, tell me, I'm waiting."

"Well--this is awkward..." Samantha scoffed. "How do you think I felt then, huh?" She glared at Elena. "Meanie." Elena pouted. "Don't beat around the bush and say it."

"But--Ok Ok! I'll say it!" Elena shielded herself with her hands before Samantha's pillow reached her face. "Good. Now gimme my pillow back before I kill you." Samantha smiled sweetly and reached her arms out.

"Heol...you turn into a complete creep when you're on your period." Elena threw Samantha's pillow back at her. "You're not any better either. You turn into a dog. Now say it before I choke you."

"Well," Elena slightly blushed. "He said that he we don't know each other well and hadn't seen each other for a long time, but he said that he's sure of his feelings."

Samantha formed an 'o' with her mouth. "Go on." , "He said that whenever he sees me, he feels happy for no reason. He also said that whenever he sees my smile, he feels energized." Elena smiled shyly while Samantha fangirled.

"There's one more thing." Elena blushed harder as she remembered that last part of Yoongi's confession. "He said... whenever he looks in my eyes...he feels like his heart would stop beating."

Elena stared at Samantha who was staring back at her will her mouth hung open. 3...2...1... "AH!" Samantha jumped on Elena. "That was so damn cheesy and sweet!" She shouted as she squished Elena.

Elena giggled and patted Samantha's shoulder. "That's why my knees nearly gave away." Samantha released Elena and looked at her while grinning. "You're one lucky bish." Elena nodded while grinning. "I know."

Samantha's grin then turned to a frown. "Why are you frowning?" Elena tilted her head. Then Samantha grinned again. "Toilet." And then stormed off to the bathroom leaving Elena with her mouth hung open. "Heol."

A whistling came from the kettle. Elena got up and walked toward the kitchen. As she was about to enter, someone rang the doorbell. "Ugh." Elena groaned.

Another ring. "Coming!" Elena yelled and changed directions and started walking toward the door. Another ring, again. "I said that I'm coming!" Elena shouted and pulled the doorknob harshly and opened it.

"Who the hell--oh hello there Mark." Elena faked a smile as she looked at Mark who was about to punch her in the face. Mark smiled sheepishly as he slowly brought his hand down.

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