6 - Meeting old friend = Making new friends

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Hwayang park - 12:13

"Say, how about we play a round of ball?" Jackson asked as he tried to spin the ball on his finger but failed miserably.

"Sounds fun." Jinyoung agreed.

"What do you say Mark?" Jackson asked the boy who was sitting there quietly watching the two.

"Sure." Mark agreed as well.

Jinyoung got up and took the ball from Jackson. "But it won't be as fun without a bet, right?" He smirked as he threw the ball in the basket.

"Yeah, you're right." Jaebum smirked as well.

"Let's make the bet...hmm...whoever loses, has to clean the practice room." Jinyoung suggested as the other three nodded.

And they started their little match.

Ten minutes passed and Jaebum and Jinyoung's team were leading by 2 to 0.

"Give up." Jaebum smirked at Jackson who was in front of him.

"No way." Jackson tried to take the ball from Jaebum, but Jaebum passed the ball to Jinyoung. Jinyoung swinged the ball back and force between his legs. Mark was in front of him. He tried to take the ball from him, but he failed.

Jinyoung threw the ball successfully in the basket.

"Yea!" Jaebum and Jinyoung high-fived.

"Another point for JJ, woohoo."

Jackson took the ball that was rolling on the floor.

"Hey Jackson, pass it to me." Mark said as he motioned Jackson.

Jackson nodded and threw the ball toward his direction. Mark tried to catch the ball, but the ball went higher than he could reach. And eventually, flew away.

"Shit..." Jackson cursed under his breath while Mark shot him a death glare.

Jaebum and Jinyoung's gaze followed the ball that went to the entrance of the park.

"I said pass it to me not throw it in the air, Jackson." Mark said as he smacked Jackson's head.

"Umm, guys?" Jaebum called them and they looked at him. "Instead of fighting, you might want to go over there."

They looked at where Jaebum was pointing, and he was pointing to a girl that was sitting on a bench and rubbing her head. They saw the ball near the bench she was sitting on.

"Don't tell me..."

Jaebum and Jinyoung nodded. "Yup, the ball hit her head."

Mark shot Jackson another death glare. "First we lose the bet and now look what you did." He then went to where Elena was sitting, with Jackson following him while cursing at himself.

Elena's bag and other things were on the grass near their ball. Mark slowly walked toward her things and stood there. "I-I'm so sorry."

Elena stood up immediately.

"Th-the ball...uh...we lost the balance of it and..."

Elena looked at Mark who was trying to explain what happened.

Their eyes met and Elena froze.

"Are you...alright?" Jackson who was beside them asked.

But Elena didn't pay attention to him.

Mark got worried as well since she wasn't moving. "Miss...are you OK?" He asked this one.

Elena nodded. "You're Mark aren't you?"

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