24 - D-30 : Advices

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Jerry's mansion - 02:45

"So, he's giving us thirty days?"

"Yes. Exactly thirty days." Sujeong turned off the touch screen that was attached to the wall.

"Well does that psycho sound confident or not?" Elena sighed and leant against the wall behind her.

"You heard Unnie... he's more prepared than us." Samantha let out a deep breath and petted Snowie which had fallen asleep on Brian's lap.

"That's why I'm scared." Elena mumbled and hugged her knees. "I'm scared that something might happen to us."

"He gave you a month to prepare. I'm sure you'll be ready by then." Sujeong gave Samantha a small smile and gave her the small USB that she was holding.

"But... he, himself, can get stronger during the time he gave us." Elena looked down on her knees.

"If you keep saying negative things, it'll only affect you. Stop saying those things and believe in yourself. Only then--"

"I'll do this by myself."

The three pair of eyes turned to Samantha.

"What do you mean by that?" Brian frowned and crossed his arms.

"I mean, this is all because of me. I'll do the rest by myself. You guys already did enough and I can't risk having you get hurt because of me." Samantha looked down as she rubbed her arm. "I don't want to be the reason that you guys get hurt."


"You have helped me enough. I know we have worked on everything together but this time... no... I can't let you..." Samantha shook her head. "There were many times when the criminals were insane but Harry is on another level. He's killing innocent lives just to hurt me..."

"Samantha, like you said, we did everything together. I can't let you take care of that old geezer by yourself." Brian knealt down in front of Samantha. "He's really sick in the head, we never know what he might do. And I'll never let you go near him alone." He made her look at him as he held her shoulders.

Samantha shook her head. "No... I really can't risk it. Jungkook being into this mess is enough... I can't bear the thought that you guys are in danger as well... now Sujeong is dragged into this as well." She bit her lip as she glanced at Sujeong who was standing in a corner and watching them. "I just can't..."

"Sammie... it was never your fault that he turned into a psycho murderer. He was always insane to begin with so don't blame yourself." Elena gently squeezed Samantha's hand. "He always enjoyed seeing other people suffer... and now he found you, the perfect victim..."

Samantha looked at Elena with teary eyes. "He wants revenge and he knows that the more people he hurts... he more I suffer. That's why he's going after me."

"That's because you're the most kindhearted person he will ever find. Sammie please--"

"I don't want to be rude by cutting you off but... if you get emotional like this, then that old geezer will win before you even start the match."

Everyone looked at Sujeong who was staring at Samantha without any expression on. "What do you mean?"

"Isn't this what he wants? For you to become weak? If yes, then he has won." Sujeong shrugged. "You already look like you're going to give up."

"Sujeong," Brian got up. "How can you say that--"

"Wait." Samantha grabbed Brian's arm and stopped him. "Let her continue."

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