25 - D-27 : Sibling Love

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Jerry's mansion - 23:34

Brian and Sujeong were sitting on the wooden floor and leaning against the wall as they watched the two girls fight.

"Who do you think is going to win?" Sujeong asked as she watched Elena bent down to avoid Samantha's high kick.

"Both of them are good so I don't know." Brian shrugged as Samantha bent backwards to dodge Elena's punch.

"From what I see, Elena is bolder with her moves. I've seen Samantha hesitate many times before making her moves."

Elena attempted the triple turn kick but Samantha dodged smoothly.

"But she's better at defending herself." Brian sighed. "Sam is afraid of hurting Ellen."

"They're not going to hurt each other for real. This is just practice."

"Sam has hurt Ellen... during practice... that's why she's so careful when they're practicing together, even though Ellen told her it's alright many times."

"Oh..." Sujeong blinked a few times before shifting her attention back at the two girls who were standing in front of each other while panting.

"Going to give up, Sammie?" Elena smirked as she stared at Samantha who was out of breath.

Samantha playfully scoffed. "Not yet." She smirked back.

"Oh well then." Elena shrugged before rushing toward Samantha with her fists clenched.

Samantha grabbed Elena's knuckles and pushed her back until her back hit the wall.

Elena's eyes widened. "How could you still have so much strength left?"

Samantha shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. But time to end this game." She smirked as she hooked her right leg on Elena's left leg.

She pulled her leg to make Elena fall but Elena pushed her which made her fall.

"Ugh..." Samantha groaned as her back hit the cold wooden floor.

"You OK?" Elena bent down and looked at Samantha. "Sorry." She put on an apologetic smile as she brought her hand out for Samantha to take.

Samantha stared at Elena before taking her hand and pulling her down.

"Yah!" Elena attempted to get up but Samantha put her into a headlock.

"How dare you do that to me, you little bish?" Samantha playfully scolded.

"Let me go! You're sweaty!"

"As if you're not!" Samantha let Elena go and got up as she put her hands on her hips.

"Whatever." Elena playfully rolled her eyes and got up with Samantha's help.

"Good job!" Brian appeared from behind them and put his arms around their shoulders. "You were amazing like always." He grinned at them.

"Thank you!" Elena grinned back.

"Thanks." Samantha poked Brian's cheek.

"You were indeed good." Sujeong walked in front of them. "But Samantha was being careful, way careful."

Samantha slightly bit her lip. "I'm afraid of hurting Ellen... again."

"I told you it's OK, you dumbo." Elena poked Samantha's arm. "It was an accident."

"Still! I caused a fraction in your arm..." Samantha mumbled.

"But it wasn't anything serious! You just--"

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