The Murder Of Your Mother

Começar do início

"Thank you." I smiled

"Have a wonderful night, little lady." The bus driver smiled

"Oh uh, can you tell me where I am? I fell asleep."

"Gotham City."

I nodded and headed on my way. Gotham City... never heard of such a place. I like it so far.

I found an abandoned warehouse and decided to stay here for the night. From the looks of it, it seemed to be abandoned for about 70 years. So I was cautious of any weirdos, and any animals.

"Hmph." I plopped down on a love seat that was quite comfortable.

I got up after about 10 minutes and began exploring the warehouse, which is starting to look more like a mansion to me. There was furniture everywhere, and there were pictures on the wall, and utensils. It was as if, someone just up and left. And fast.

"May I ask who you are?" A voice called out

I jumped out of my skin and spun around in search of the mysterious voice

"I asked you a question."

"Who are you?! Where did you come from?!" It shouted

"I don't speak to strange voices." I spat in confidence

"Then answer me now." The voice whispered in my ear

I jumped back in fright, and spun my fist to hit the man. Only to have him grab my fist inches from his face.

"How rude."

"Let me go you freak!"

"I asked you a question! Answer me." He said calmly

"My name is Alenia. You are?"


"Ed? That's it? Is it short for Edwin, Edgar?" I smirked


"Oh okay... well can you let me go now, Ed?"

"Oh my apologies." He smiled

"Why are you in here, Alenia? I've never seen you before and no one comes here."

"I just got to Gotham and I needed a place to stay. I thought this was an abandoned warehouse. Clearly, I was wrong."

"Well you may stay, if you'd like."

"....... uh, okay." I squinted my eyes in concern

"I'm not some mass murder, if that's what you're worried about. I'm just a forensic scientist."

"Why do you live here, all alone?"

"I don't. This is where I come to think."

"Oh... well okay. I'm gonna go then."


"Because this place is taken."

"I told you, you could stay. Did I not?" He asked slightly demanding

"Yeah, but it's cool."

"I have food and clothes here. Stay here, and I will provide for you."

"Uh, dude. I don't know you, and I don't want to offend you but I'm okay."

"I said you are to stay!" Ed smacked his hands onto the table between us

"Okay! Jeez!" I snapped

"See what you did. You made poor ol' Ed scurry away." Ed smirked


"Ed is gone for now. I wanted to meet the new face in person."

"You're sick man. I'm gonna go."

Cameron Monaghan ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora