Chapter 3 - The Morning After

Start from the beginning

They all looked over at me and starting laughing. "Sorry Leigh, we're just deciding where to go to for Saturday dinner." Jesy said.

I grabbed my clothes and started changing. "Why don't we just go to that diner that we passed by last night on the way to the party?" I suggested.

They all looked at each other and nodded. "Sounds good." Jade said.

"So how was everyone's night last night?" Perrie asked.

"Don't even ask Pez." I told her and sat beside Jesy on my bed. They all giggled at me but I glared at them.

"Jes, where did you disappear to?" She eyed Jesy.

"Nowhere! I told you I was just sitting around." She said.

"Oh come on Jes, spit it out." Jade said.

"Okay, but you guys can't judge me!" She said. We all leaned in and ushered her to continue.

"So, when I told you guys I was gonna find a bathroom I couldn't really find one. They were all occupied. I was on my way downstairs to find you guys but I bumped into this guy and he was drunk and he basically almost touched me. I ran into a room and walked in on a guy named Niall changing." Jesy explained. The same Niall I bumped into not long ago?

"Anyway, he scared the guy off and he took me downstairs and offered me a drink. I took it and we talked for a bit, I wasn't really thinking and I kissed him. We ended up making out in the kitchen and I sort of.." She mumbled.

"You what Jesy?" Perrie shot at her.

"I let him touch.." She continued.

"What? Just say it Jes!" I told her.

"He touched my.." She said and gestured to her chest.

"What?! You did not Jessica!" Jade shot.

She just nodded. "I can't believe that other guy almost touched me and all you guys care about is me making out with Niall." She said.

We all started laughing. "You're okay though Jes, he didn't touch you. Niall saved you." I barely got out.

"It's not funny! Well, I stopped Niall before anything more happened! I didn't want to be one of those one night stands!" She said.

"That's good Jes." Jade applauded her. "Well at least one of us got some action." I teased.

"Well, I'm sure Jade did too." Perrie winked. Jade turned a bright pink colour and stood up.

"I did not!" She shot at Perrie. We all started laughing harder and she joined in too.

The four of us have been friends for as long as we remember, we've always been there for each other.

Each of us are so different from the other and that's what makes us such good friends. We've always had each other's backs no matter what.

"Who was that guy that kept chasing you like a puppy?" Jesy asked Jade.

"He was not! His name is Harry." Jade admitted. "He's actually really nice." She defended him.

"Jade, do you like him?" I asked her. Jade's never really paid much attention to guys, but guys fall for her all the time.

"No, I don't. I'm just saying he's really nice." She said calmly. "I have to do some homework before we go out later, so I'll see you guys later."

"You already have homework?" Perrie asked her.

"No, but I wanna get ahead." Jade said and smiled.

Leave it to Jade to get all worked up about homework that isn't even assigned.

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