Chapter 12: Disaster Strikes

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Chapter 12:

Disaster Strikes

                 Selene stood in one of the dark corners of the ballroom, her face still burning and her thoughts racing. There were multiple thoughts running through her head after that amazing…she couldn’t even call it a kiss because it was so much more than that. Why did he kiss her like that? Why had she run away instead of slapping him and telling him off? What was that electric feeling she felt between them when they kissed? And why did he use his request from her to kiss her? And why couldn’t she stop blushing when she thought about him.

                 She groaned in irritation at all the swarming thoughts in her head, gripping her hair tightly in her hands.

                 “You look distressed,” Selene snapped out of her thoughts and turned to her side. Standing there was the young man from earlier. She frowned at him as she fixed her hair, pushing all thoughts of the king from her mind and facing this person with her guard completely up. “Am I correct to assume that it’s because of his majesty?”

                 “I don’t believe that’s any of your business,” She stated simply, her arms crossed over her chest as she stared out at the dancing revelers.

                 The corners of Ezekiel’s mouth tugged up at the one side in a crooked smirk. “You’re very feisty for a mortal.”

                 “Is there something you want that you’ve waited to approach me when the king’s not around?” she asked simply, turning her masked faced to look at Zeke, or, rather, Ezekiel, with an intense look.

                 “Clever too,” he stated. “No wonder his majesty fancies you.”

                 “You’re stalling,” she stated. “Say what’s on your mind or get lost. I have other stuff on my mind.”

                 “Very well,” without warning he was in front of her, a hand pressed against the wall on the one side of her head while the other rested on his hip. His blue eyes bore into her purple ones, never allowing her gaze to stray from him. “I want you.”

                 She arched a brow at him. “What exactly could be so special about me that you want me?” Selene asked.

                 “Selene you think far too little of yourself,” he stated, his face coming closer to hers. “You’re far more valuable than you can ever imagine.”

                 “Then enlighten me,” she challenged. “In what ways am I valuable?”

                 “For one you’re a divided,” he stated. “You’re kind are very rare to find in this world and are very valuable.”

                 “Because of my blood and flesh?” she snapped.

                 “Yes, that’s one reason,” he stated. “Then the fact that you have the king wrapped around our fair fingers, he would do anything for you.”

                 Selene’s brows creased. “You’re wrong. I’m nothing to him.” She could feel her heart ache at the words she just uttered. That was odd.

                 “Really, you truly believe that?”

                 “I know that,” she stated firmly. “Now are those the only reasons I’m valuable?”

                 He chuckled. “The fact that you’re beautiful beyond imagine doesn’t hurt either.”

                 “Flattery doesn’t work on me.”

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