Chapter 39

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Seven Months Later...

Emma was due to deliver the baby any day now. To say the least, she was irritable. She hated being pregnant now, and Killian found it hilarious. He loved how upset she was because he found her angry side completely adorable. He waited on her hand and foot, much to her displeasure. Her hormones were going completely haywire, and while he found it adorable, he didn't like how she would scream one minute, then start crying, then start laughing because she was crying.

Killian was currently downstairs in the kitchen, making her a grilled cheese sandwich with pickles on the side to satisfy her current craving when there was a sudden scream. He shut the stove off and ran upstairs to see Emma getting up off the bed.

"What? What is it?" He asked frantically.

"I think it's time!" She said somewhat excitedly. "She's coming!"

"It's time?" Killian asked. A smile forming on his face. "I'll call everybody once we get to the hospital. I'll get the bag. Let's get to the car."

Killian quickly drove to the hospital and they got a room. Emma undressed and put the hospital gown on. As she was settling onto the bed, she cried out in pain when the first contraction hit. He grabbed her hands and let her lean on him as she breathed out, trying not to focus on the pain like she was told to do in all the baby classes she and Killian had attended together. Once the contraction passed, he helped her lay down and covered her up. Shortly after, the doctor came in and smiled.

"How are we doing, Emma?" Dr. Whale asked.

"How am I doing? I want this baby out!" Emma shouted.

"Soon enough, Mrs. Jones. Soon enough. I'll be back in a couple hours and see how you are doing." Dr. Whale shook Killian's hand before leaving.

"I'll call your brother. And then mine." Killian leaned down to kiss Emma before stepping out of the room with his cell phone in hand.

Emma laid down on the bed and grabbed the tv remote. She flipped through the channels and waited for the next contraction to hit. Killian came back in ten minutes later. A worried expression on his face.

"What?" She asked.

"Something's come up at the office. A major server is down and I have to go. I'm really sorry, love. I'll be back before you have that baby though. I promise." He leaned down to kiss her over and over again. Emma broke the kiss with a grunt of pain. Killian grabbed her hand and she squeezed tightly. "I love you." He wiped the sweat from her forehead and left the room.

A half an hour after Killian left, David and Mary Margaret showed up. The came into the room and both kissed her forehead. Mary Margaret was six months pregnant with a baby boy. David looked around the room, but furrowed his eyebrows in confusion when he couldn't find Killian in the room.

"Is Killian in the bathroom?" He asked, looking down at Emma.

"No. He had a work emergency and had to go fix it at the office." Emma explained. She clenched her eyes shut as another contraction forced its way through her body. David grabbed one hand while Mary Margaret grabbed the other. Emma squeezed both tightly. "Call him!"

"Got it!" Mary Margaret announced and rushed out of the room.

"David, what if he just used a work problem as an excuse so he could run away? What if having a baby was too much to think about and he panicked and left me? I can't raise a baby on my own, David, I just can't!"

"Relax, Emma. He's not going to abandon you. He loves you. Don't you trust him?"

"Of course I trust him. I love him."

"He wouldn't miss this for the world."

The door opened and Mary Margaret came back in. "He said that he was still working."

Emma sighed. "He better get back here before I have this baby, or else I am going to be really pissed."

Five hours later Emma was still not ready to have the baby, and Killian still wasn't back. Emma didn't want Mary Margaret or David to call Killian. She knew how busy he was at the office. Liam and Elsa had arrived an hour ago. They had used Liam's private jet to get there early. They were waiting eagerly in the waiting room for their niece to arrive. And Liam wasn't to happy about the fact that Killian was working instead of with his wife while she was in labor.

Emma fell back on the bed and panted heavily. "The contractions are getting closer together. Where the fuck is he?" She screamed, clutching David's sleeve in her fist.

"He who? Swan, are you waiting for another man to show up? If you are, I'm really going to be mad." Killian said as he walked in.

Emma twisted her body around and looked at him in the doorway. He was holding balloons and a stuffed teddy bear. "I was hoping you'd be back." She gritted out through clenched teeth.

"Would you ever doubt me?"

She smiled. "No."

"Good." He put the gifts down and came over to the bedside and grabbed her hand. "Thank you. Both of you for staying with her."

"You're welcome." Mary Margaret said. She kissed Emma's forehead. "We'll be in the waiting room." David kissed Emma's head too and they both left the room.

A few more hours later, Emma was pushing the baby out. Killian was pretty sure his hand was broken now, but he didn't mind. He kissed her head and with one final push, the cries of a baby filled the room. The nurses cleaned Emma and Killian's daughter then handed her to Emma. Both of the parents had tears in their eyes as they looked at their baby girl. After the nurses left the room, Liam, Elsa, David, and Mary Margaret came in. Everyone took turns holding the baby.

"What's her name?" Elsa asked.

Emma looked up at Killian and he nodded. "Clarissa Rae."

"It's so adorable! She even looks like a Clarissa too." Mary Margaret agreed.

After an hour, everyone left to let Emma have some rest. Killian held the baby against his chest, letting her listen to his heartbeat. Clarissa slept peacefully, and it brought a smile to his face. He looked over at Emma and stroked her head as she slept.

"The two most beautiful girls in the world, and I have the luxury of having them with me." He said to himself. "No one could ask for a better life."

The End!!!

I loved this book so much! As I say about all of my stories. I hope you all loved it too. Check out my other stories, and my newly published, "The Mind."

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