Chapter 27

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As soon as Killian pulled up to his house, he opened the garage door using the remote on his visor and backed in. One other car sat in the two car garage, and it was a black Volvo. He parked the Porsche and shut the ignition off. He led her to the door of the garage that opened up to the backyard. There was a small fish pond against the porch of the house that instantly caught Emma's attention. The yard itself was decorated in flowers and well kept bushes. As the couple turned towards the house, Emma caught sight of a pool in the center, surrounded by grass, and a gazebo that had a swing under it. They walked up the stone pathway and Killian punched the code into the keypad on the door and let them in. He brought her to the kitchen and let her sit down at one of the stools while he disappeared into the downstairs bathroom for some pain reliving cream. He came back out and Emma was admiring the kitchen.

"You have a nice home. But, don't take this the wrong way, but why have such a big house if you are all by yourself?" She asked, chewing on her lip nervously.

"I got the house in hopes of having a family one day." He smiled and held up the tube of medicine. "Lift up your shirt for me? I can spread this cream on the bruises and it will relieve your pain, and get rid of the marks." She nodded and lifted her shirt over her head. Killian spread the ointment around the bruises on her skin, careful to not apply too much pressure that would cause her more pain than what she was already experiencing. Once he was finished, he handed her shirt back to her and put the cap back on the tube. "That should help you, love." He kissed her shoulder blade and went back into the bathroom. Emma put her shirt back over her head, just in time for Killian to come back in. They moved to the living room, and Emma gasped when she saw the person sitting on the couch. "Bloody hell." Killian cursed. "What are you doing here, brother?" He asked with annoyance in his voice.

"I want to talk." Liam said, standing up from the couch.

"So you break into my house?"

"I apologize about that, but I wouldn't call it breaking in considering I know all of your pass codes."

"Note to self, change pass codes for house and garage." Killian mumbled to himself. Emma put her hand over her mouth to hide her smile. "Well, get on with the talking."

"I'd prefer to do it with the two of us alone."

"I'll just g-" Emma began, only to get cut off by Killian.

"Whatever you have to say, you can say with Emma in the room."

Liam sighed and ran his hand through his curly brown hair. "Fine. I've accepted you two being together, but-" He cut himself off and pointed to Emma's necklace. "Y-y-you gave her the ring?" Killian looked down to Emma's chest to glance at the ring, before shifting his gaze back to Liam. "Why? I gave that to you! It was yours. Why did you give it away so easily?"

"Because I felt as if she deserved it. It was a good luck charm. After everything Emma has been through, I felt as if she needed a little luck on her side." Killian wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Just after I thought everything would be okay, you go and do something like this!" Liam yelled in frustration, making Emma jump. "Why would you risk everything for this whore?" He raised his hand up to the necklace and pulled it from around her neck. The clasp broke as he yanked it away. Liam clutched the ring so tight in his hand that his knuckles were white. "All I've ever done is look out for you. That's what I'm trying to do now. Call me when you have your head screwed on straight." Liam threw the necklace down on the ground at Killian's feet and walked out.

Emma and Killian stood frozen in shock. She was the one to recover first, so she bent down to grab the necklace. Killian blinked rapidly and saw Emma at his feet, looking at the piece of jewelry. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"Do you want me to leave?" She asked in the weakest voice he had ever heard.

"No." He spoke quickly. "Will you stay? Please?" She stood up and nodded. She wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It was going so fast.

"Calm down, Killian. It's okay. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere." She tugged him to the couch and they both sat down.

"I've never seen him so angry before." Killian whispered. Emma pushed him down to her lap and he laid his head down on her legs. She twisted his hair in his fingers. "I never would have guessed that he would get so angry over a dumb ring. It's not like it was an engagement ring or anything. I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm sorry you have to see me like this. I shouldn't be so upset over this. He's just my only family that I have left, Swan. I don't want to lose him."

"I know. But, you guys will get over this. You are strong, and as much as I'd hate to admit it, Liam is too. You just need to focus on what's really important, and what's at stake. Try to talk to him when I'm not around. Call him and just tell him that losing the only family both of you have left is foolish. But, I would wait a few days. Let him cool down after his breakdown. I bet he's just as worried about losing his little brother, as you are about losing your big brother."

Killian turned on his back, and Emma brushed his hair out of his eyes. "Why didn't you become a therapist?"

Emma giggled. "If I had, then I never would have met you."

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