Chapter 11

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Monday morning, Emma got ready for work and dressed in her normal work attire. She settled for black dress pants and a purple blouse. A matching black button up went over her shirt. She put black shoes on and curled her hair, leaving it to fall over her shoulders and back. She grabbed her phone and laptop case and got in her bug. Hardly a perfect business car for a business woman, but, it had been her first car that she bought on her own. There were memories. Memories she wasn't ready to give up yet, and until the day her yellow Volkswagen Beetle died, and there was no way it could be repaired, she was going to keep it.

As she pulled up to the building, she rushed inside and to her old cubicle. She packed her things up and took them to her new office. The first thing that caught her gaze was the basket of soaps sitting there on the desk. She put her box down on the floor and shut the door. She went to the basket and saw flower scented soaps, sanitizers, lotions, and bath salts. There was a stress reliever and sleep pillow spray, and all of it was packed neatly. Although there wasn't a card, she knew exactly who the basket was from. There was only one other person who had the keys to her office.


She went over to his office door and knocked, waiting for permission to enter. Once she heard his muffled voice, she went in, finding him sitting behind his desk. His arm over his eyes as if he was trying to block out the light.

"Bloody hell. You all just can't leave me alone! I've already had too much to deal with this morning and I don't need some other pathetic excuse!" He yelled, not removing his arm from his eyes.

"Uh, Mr. Jones? Is this a bad time?" She didn't want to interrupt on whatever he was currently dealing with. And by the sounds of it, it didn't sound very good.

He sat straight up and Emma could swear he was blushing. "I-no, love. You're fine. What did you need? Are you okay after your breakup with Neal?"

"I'm fine. I just want to know what that basket of soap is for."

He cocked his head to the side and smirked. "Basket of soap, you say. It's not ringing any bells to me."

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"No, I'm afraid I don't. Show me what you're talking about?" Emma huffed and left the office, and grabbed the basket from hers. She returned a moment later and he nodded. "Oh, that basket! Yes, I seem to remember now. I just thought you'd like it."

"Well, you're not wrong." His face lit up. "But, I'm not trying to flirt, Mr. Jones. I'm not interested in starting up another relationship. Especially not with my boss. Like I told my brother last night, rumors will spread and people will begin to think that I slept with you to get this job."

"Swan, please don't think that I'm trying to just use you."

"Then what are you trying to do? You've been mean to me ever since I started working here!"

"To set an example. People in this office needed to know that I was in charge."

"But then you go and drop that act, and put on another one."

Killian came around the desk and cupped her cheek. Emma resisted the urge to let her head fall into the palm of his hand. "This is no act. The way I feel about you isn't a joke. Say you'll go out with me. Just one date. You won't regret it, Emma."

She pulled out of his touch and shook her head. "No. We need to stay professional."

"Fine. If you want to play hard to get."

"You're not going to stop, are you?"

"Stop trying to make you fall in love with me? Never."

"It's not that easy."

"Sure, but, I love a challenge."

"Stop trying to win me over. It's not going to work."

"So, you don't want the soaps then?"

Emma clutched the basket tighter to her chest. "Of course I want it! It's expensive soap!"

Killian laughed. "Get to work, Swan."

She saluted him. "Aye, aye, captain."

Killian groaned, but had a smile on his face, and she giggled as she left the room. She put the basket under her desk to keep it out of sight, and she had successfully distracted herself from Killian and all of his flirting attempts. At the end of the day, she packed up her bag and grabbed the basket. She really appreciated the gift from him. It was really sweet, and it brought a smile to her face. She wasn't aware that Killian was currently standing in the doorway. A sweet smile on his face as well. He knocked on the door frame and she looked up.

"How was your first day?" He asked.

"Good." She put the basket down and leaned against the desk. "Not much different from my old job."

"Just wait a few days, Swan. You won't think it's different."

"Maybe not. I guess I'll just have to wait and see."

"Yep." He chuckled. "Are you leaving for the day?"


"Do you want me to walk you to your car?"

"That'd be nice."

"Good. Let me grab my laptop and we'll head down." He left the room, leaving Emma alone. She grabbed her laptop case and her phone. Killian met her again a few seconds later and they walked to the elevator. "What other things would you like me to buy you?"

"Killian, I like the gifts. But, what you can buy me, isn't what's going to make me like you."

"But it does score points, right?"

"A few points, but I really don't want to get into another relationship for a while. It's not you, it really isn't. I just need some time before I head into another, okay?"

"I understand, Swan. I do, I just want you to know that I can and will treat you so much better. Just as much as you deserve. I can be a patient man, but that doesn't mean I can't have my fun."

Emma chuckled and the elevator opened. They went out to their cars and Killian winked at her before driving away.

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