Chapter 23

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Killian sighed as Emma left. "Look what you did! When you married Ariel, I didn't complain! Even though I told you and told you and told you that she was cheating on you! Why can't you at least be happy for me now that I found someone I really care for?"

"You love Ariel!" Liam shouted back. They were interrupted when the waitress brought the pizza and placed it on the table. She took their cups and refilled them with the drink they had chosen and walked away again.

"No, Liam, I don't. I'm pretty sure she was cheating on you, and she might still be! That woman is a complete bitch! She flirted with me while you weren't in the room, and pretended to be the loving girlfriend that she was supposed to be. After I told you my doubts about her, you still married her, so you have no right telling me who I can and can't date. Just because you're older than me, doesn't mean you can treat me like a little kid." Killian grabbed Emma's twenty dollar bill and shoved it in his pocket. He waved the waitress over and asked for some boxes. She came back quickly and gave him one, and he put two slices of pizza in them, then shut the lid. "Thanks for lunch. Get a cab and go back home. I don't want to see you again until you can accept Emma for the wonderful woman that she is."

When he went outside, Emma's bug was gone, so he quickly went to his car and leaned against it. He was pretty sure that steam was coming out of his ears. Not only had Liam embarrassed him, but he also embarrassed Emma. He understood why she ran. He would have done the same. And when it came time to meet her brother, and if he acted like Liam had been, then he was sure that he would run too. But only to avoid punching the man in the face.

Killian stood up straight and got into the car. He drove to Emma's apartment and buzzed her. There was no answer. He kept buzzing her until her voice came over the intercom.

"Hello?" She sounded as if she was crying, and his heart broke. He clutched the styrofoam box closer to his body.


"Shouldn't you be with your brother?"

"No. I don't want to see him. I want to see you. Let me up."

The door clicked and he didn't waste any time in going up to her door. When he knocked, it opened immediately and he held out the box that had the pizza inside. She laughed and grabbed it. He followed her inside and Emma put the box down and wrapped her arms around his neck. Killian's hands found themselves on her waist, and he leaned down to kiss her. He licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance, which she gladly provided.

"Hey." Emma whispered when she pulled away, but it didn't last long because he put his lips back on hers quickly. "Mmm, Killian." She mumbled, pressing against his chest. "Why don't we take this to the bedroom?" He groaned and picked her up bridal style, making her squeal and he rushed to her room.

Once they finished, they both collapsed on the bed. Killian leaned over to press a kiss on Emma's forehead, but his phone started ringing. He groaned and turned over, seeing Liam's name on the screen. He declined the call and gathered Emma up in his arms. She sighed contently and snuggled into his chest. He closed his eyes, ready to drift off to sleep when Liam called again. He reached over and answered it, prepared not to talk long.

"What do you want?" Killian asked.

"I wanted to apologize. I shouldn't be getting in the way of your relationship."  Liam said.

"Oh. Well, you really shouldn't be apologizing to me. It's Emma you should be apologizing to."

"You're right. I'll talk to her tomorrow. I don't want to fight because of the girl you are dating. We're family. We will always be brothers, there for each other. Even if that girl won't be. You'll always have me."

"Thank you, Liam. I appreciate that." Killian looked down to Emma who was sleeping peacefully. He kissed the top of her head. "I have to go. I don't want to wake Emma up."

"Bye, little brother."

"Younger brother." Killian rolled his eyes and hung up.

In the morning, Emma woke up after Killian left, but found a note from him on the kitchen counter. She smiled at the words.

'Sorry for not being able to wake you up, but there was an emergency at the office this morning and I had to run out early to help fix it. See you later. --Killian'

Emma took a shower then got dressed, and hurried to make herself some coffee and slip out the door. Once she got to work, everything was quiet and peaceful, just as it should have been. She went to unlock her office door, only to find that it was already unlocked. She opened the door to find the lights off and the curtains in front of the window drawn. She flipped the switch and placed her stuff down on the desk, then went to open the curtains to let in the view of the many skyscrapers that sat outside her window. She smiled at the view and turned around, only to gasp as she saw Liam leaning against the door with his hands jammed in his pockets. He had a sickening smirk on his face.

"Hello, Emma." He said, standing up from the door.

"Mr. Jones." She nodded at him, hoping her disgust wasn't showing too much. "What can I help you with? Besides breaking up with your brother?"

He chuckled and glanced down to the floor, before looking back at her. "I wanted you to know how much of a beautiful woman you are." He stepped up to her and ran the back of his knuckles down the side of her face.

Emma flinched out of his touch. "What do you want?" She hissed at him.

He grabbed her hips and flushed her body against his chest. Without another word, he pressed his lips to hers. Emma tried pushing away, but he held her firmly to him.

"Swan, what do you say-" She heard Killian's voice from the doorway. "What the hell?"

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