Chapter 32

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On her way back to her apartment, Emma dialed Elsa's phone number. She brought the phone up to her ear and waited for her friend to pick up the phone. With everything going on, she hadn't really had a chance for some time to spend with her friends, so while Killian was talking to Liam, Emma figured it would be a good idea to catch up with her friend.

"Hey, Emma. It's been awhile since we've talked, hasn't it?" Elsa asked when she picked up. "What'd ya need?"

"To spend some time with my best friend. How about we meet up at our bar?" Emma asked.

"Sure. Then you can tell me what has been going on with you and Killian."

"You aren't going to let this go, huh."

"Nope. You guys are so cute! Besides, you are together now and I want some information about your relationship."

"We have to find you a boyfriend. Then we can double date!"

Elsa scoffed. "As if someone would want the Ice Queen."

"You are such an amazing woman, Elsa. If a guy doesn't want you, then he is crazy. If I can find someone as amazing as Killian, you can find someone too."

"I'm better off on my own anyway. Guys are just trouble anyway."

"I used to think that too, but all it took was meeting the right person and everything changed. Anyway, I'll see you in an hour."

"Bye, Emma." Elsa said and hung up.

Emma and Elsa had been at the bar drinking for four whole hours, and were now drunk off their asses. They had been denied anymore alcohol, so the women decided to just leave the bar if they weren't allowed to drink anymore. But, they were both too drunk to drive, so Emma called Killian to pick them up. It was around 7:00 in the evening.

"Swan, to what do I owe this pleasant call?" Killian asked when he picked up.

"Um..... Elsa and I are at the bar and we are to drunk to drive. Can you pick us up?" Emma slurred and broke out into a fit of giggles, making Elsa laugh too.

"Sure. Stay where you are and don't go anywhere and don't walk off with anyone either." Killian told her. "We'll be there soon."

"Okay. Love you!"

He sighed but chuckled. "Love you too." He hung up and him and Liam rushed to the car and got in. Killian quickly drove to the bar and pulled up in front where two very drunk blondes were laughing at each other.

"Brother, who is the other one?" Liam asked.

"Oh, that's Elsa. She works in the office and is Emma's best friend. I think." Liam nodded and they both got out of the car and went over to the women. Elsa swallowed nervously as she looked up at Liam, while Emma jumped on Killian and wrapped her legs around his waist while peppering kisses all over his face. He laughed and pried her off of him. "Let's get home."

"Yeah. Maybe that would be best." Liam agreed.

The guys brought the women to the car and helped them in. By the time they got back to Killian's house, both of the girls were passed out. Killian took Emma upstairs, then came back down to the driveway where Liam was standing over Elsa.

"Take her back to the hotel, then drop her off at her place tomorrow morning. I'm sure she'll understand that she was so drunk she couldn't tell you where she lived."

"Aye." Liam replied. He picked Elsa up and carried her bridal style to his car and buckled her in in the front seat. "It was good talking to you, brother. Make sure you tell Emma I'm sorry."

"I will. Bye, Liam." Killian watched as his older brother left the driveway before going back upstairs to Emma. She was snoring softly on the bed. He chuckled and crawled in next to her. "Bloody hell, Emma." He cursed when he smelled the strong stench of alcohol on her. He turned over and slowly drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, Emma woke up with a strong headache. The room was entirely dark, with only a few streams of light coming in from the sides of the curtains. She looked over to the nightstand to see a glass of water along with two painkillers for her headache. She quickly took them then wandered into the bathroom. She stripped her clothes and took a shower and washed all remaining smells of the alcohol she had consumed the night before. She wrapped herself in a towel and helped herself to Killian's clothes. She put on a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt. She went downstairs and was instantly hit with the smell of coffee and bacon.

"Good morning, sunshine!" He laughed as she came in. He turned to her and moaned. Emma could see him getting hard in the sweatpants he wore and she blushed. "Why don't you wear my clothes more often?"

"Sorry, I left my other clothes in my car which I'm pretty sure is still at the bar-"

"I had it picked up this morning. But, I am not going out to get your clothes. You are staying in mine." She laughed and he turned back to the stove. "I made you eggs and bacon and coffee. Did you get the painkillers I left out for you upstairs?"

"Yeah, thanks. Thank you for picking me and Elsa up last night." Her eyes suddenly widened. "Oh my God!" Emma ran upstairs and grabbed her cell phone, quickly calling Elsa. The other woman picked up quickly.

"Why didn't you tell me your boyfriend's brother was so hot?" Elsa asked in a whisper.

"I take it that you're okay then?" Emma sighed and covered her eyes with her hand. "And Liam? Seriously? He's married."

"Well yes, but he said that he was getting a divorce. Something about his wife cheating on him. But, seriously! He is so handsome!"

"Wow, okay. Um, should I call you back later then?"

"Yeah. Once Liam gets out of the shower, he's taking me back to the bar to get my car and I can drive home. Wish me luck that I can get his number."

"Good luck, I guess."

"Got to go! He's done. I'll call you later, bye Emma." Elsa hung up before Emma could say another word.

Emma went back downstairs and dug into her breakfast. Killian looked up at her curiously as she sat down. "What?" She asked.

"What were you doing?"

"Calling Elsa. I had to make sure she was okay because I can't remember anything after the drinks we had. She likes your brother."

Killian smirked. "Sounds like the feelings aren't one sided after all."


"Oh, right. We went to pick you girls up yesterday and Liam was asking all these questions about Elsa. I think he likes her."

"What about his marriage?"

"Ah, yes. The bloke finally found out that Ariel was cheating on him. He isn't even sure if the baby she carries is even his. So, he's going to divorce her. I think it's good Liam is finally finding the right woman for him. He wanted to apologize to you, by the way. For everything that he's done."

Emma took a deep breath. "I can't forgive him, Killian. I can tolerate him, but I can't forgive him. Not after everything he put us through."

"I know, and I understand that, love. So does he. We aren't asking you to forgive him. Or even accept his apology. He just wanted you to know that he was sorry."

She nodded and they both continued eating breakfast.

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