Chapter 33

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One Month Later...

"Hey, Killian, I need to tell you something. I've been meaning to tell you for awhile now, but it just never seemed like the right time." Emma said nervously as she climbed into his bed. She sat on her knees next to him while he was laying down, reading something on his phone.

"Sure, love. What is it?" He put his phone down and cuddled up with the pillow beside him.

She took a deep breath. "Remember about a month ago when me and David were going through my mom's things? Well, it turns out that she had money for me and David saved up. We both inherited about one hundred thousand dollars each." Killian's jaw dropped, and her heart rate sped up. "I haven't spent any of it. It's actually in the bank right now. Are you mad because I didn't tell you?"

He sat up and put his hands on her shoulders. "Why would I be mad?"

She shrugged. "I guess I just thought that you wouldn't like the fact that I kept that from you."

"No. I understand that you weren't ready to tell me. It's okay." He smiled warmly at her. "Besides, I have a little question I want to ask you too."

"What?" She asked curiously.

"I love you, and you love me-"

"Woah, woah, woah. What are you doing?"

"Calm down. Swan, I'm not proposing. I actually want to know if you'd move in with me?" Killian chewed on his lip nervously. "I've actually been waiting a little while to ask you. I didn't know how much time you may have wanted before I asked you, and I didn't want to scare you off like Neal had done and-"

Emma cut him off with a kiss. "I'd love to move in with you." She whispered when she pulled away. "The only reason I was scared of Neal asking me was because we had lost that spark that we originally had. But, with you, I don't think we will be losing anything."

"Good." He pressed his lips to hers again and they fell back onto the bed. "What do you say to us celebrating?" He asked as he trailed kissed down her jaw and neck. She moaned her agreement and neither of them wasted any time in stripping off their clothes.

That weekend had been hectic. Emma was catching up on some extra paperwork while trying to pack her stuff at the same time. Her stomach had been in knots all day, but she refused to tell Killian that she was feeling a little under the weather. She didn't want him to worry about her with everything that had been going on. He was finally able to relax from his life at work by helping her pack her things and move them to his house. There had been a huge shipment placement at work, which required more work that needed to be done. But, both of them were too stubborn to let their work life enter their personal lives and alter it too much.

It had taken the entire weekend to move Emma's things and get her out of her apartment, but by Sunday evening, she still wasn't feeling any better. By this time, Killian had taken notice, but Emma refused to visit the doctor's. Instead, she sipped ginger ale and took over the counter medicine. She didn't go into work Monday morning, per Killian's request. Once he left, she got up and went to the drugstore. She knew that there was a reason why she was feeling sick, but she had a pretty damn good theory.

With a "good luck" from the lady at the register, Emma drove back home and went to the bathroom. She took the pregnancy test stick out of the box and followed all of the directions to a T. Once the result came back with two little lines, she leaned back against the wall with a small sob. Only one thought going through her head.

'What the hell would Killian say?'

Emma tossed the pregnancy test away and took out the garbage, then snuggled back up in bed. She knew she couldn't keep it a secret from him. She had to tell him that he was going to be a father. She remembered what he said when she questioned him about the size of his house.

"I got the house in hopes of having a family one day."

She hoped that what he had said that night was a secret meaning that he wanted to have kids. And hopefully, wanted them with her. He had already proved to her that he loved her, and she to him, but they just moved in together. It was way too fast. Her mind flashed back to the one day she forgot to take her birth control medicine. But, as stupid as she was, she didn't tell him, and she had forgotten, but they ended up having sex anyway. She covered her face with her hands and groaned loudly and obnoxiously. She impatiently waited for him to return home from work, and just to her luck, he was in a fairly good mood.

"You seem happy." Emma stated when he entered the bedroom.

"I am. The shipment went through and the payments are settled, and normally, I have a problem with those things, but today I didn't." Killian pumped his fists into the air and she smiled.

"You're a dork."

He furrowed his eyebrows and crawled onto the bed. "Are you alright, love?"

She sighed. "Tell me why you got this big of a house."

"Well, I was making good money and I wanted to spend it on something. But, I figured that when the right time came, and I found a wonderful woman, we could fill it up with little children."

"Do you still want that?"

"Nothing would make me happier." He smiled and grabbed her hands. "Please tell me what I think you are trying to tell me?"

"I'm pregnant."

A wide smile broke out on his face and he lifted Emma up into the air. Their combined laughter filled the room. "I'm going to be a dad!" He put her back on the bed and climbed over her. "Thank you! I love you!" He said the same sentences over and over in between kisses. All worrisome thoughts fled her mind as nothing but happy thoughts filled her brain.

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