Chapter 9

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Emma didn't go into work the next day. She didn't bother to set her alarm that night. She spent all night crying over the break up, eating ice cream, and watching sad movies. Even though Neal had been lying to her, and that was something she really didn't like. In the morning, she slept in until noon. Her head hurt and her eyes were puffy. There were dried tear tracks on her face. She reached over and grabbed her phone, and saw text messages from Elsa and Ruby, a few from Neal, and an email from Killian. She groaned aloud and collapsed back onto the pillows. Just as she did so, there was a knock at the door. She groaned even louder and sat up. The knocking got louder and she put on her slippers. She opened the front door to see none other than Killian Jones at her door.

"What do you want?" She asked irritatedly.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay, love." He said. A sincere look on his face.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, you missed your first day as Assistant Manager, and you look like you haven't seen the sun in two weeks. What happened?"

She sighed and stepped aside, letting Killian come into her apartment. She shut the door behind him and went over to the couch. "I broke up with Neal."

Although Killian couldn't be more happy, he had to know what made her so upset. "Okay, so that's a good thing, right?"

"You asked me if I loved him, and I did. But yes, it was a good thing because he lied to me. He's been gathering information from your company and giving it to Gold, who actually is his father, and everything that I've ever known about him was a lie!" Emma got up from the couch and turned around so Killian wouldn't be able to see the tears that were streaming down her face.

"Swan." He sighed. He stood up and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "His true nature was revealed. He showed you his real colors, and I think you dodged a bullet. He's a piece of shit. He didn't deserve you."

"But he made me happy."

"Emma, plenty of other guys are out there that will treat you ten times as good as Neal did. The only difference, is that they won't lie to you."

"Stop, Killian! Stop trying to flirt with me! Nothing is ever going to happen between you and me! Nothing ever can! You are still my boss. We have to stay professional."

"What if I don't want to be professional?"

Emma took a deep breath through her nose. "You need to go."

"No, what we need to do is talk."

"Get out or I will call the cops and they can escort you out themselves."

"As you wish."

Emma heard his footsteps go to the door and then, he walked out. As soon as he was gone, she took a deep breath and covered her face with her hands. She went back to her bedroom when she fell back asleep, dreaming scenarios of her life, only with a happy ending. But not to be remembered in the morning.

On Saturday, Emma was determined not to let her glum mood damper her day. Her and Elsa planned to go to the mall, where they would spend all day shopping. She got up at 10:00 A.M. and got dressed. She had her breakfast and by the time she was finished with her morning routine, Elsa was knocking on her door. They went out to her car and drove off to the mall.

"What happened yesterday? Why didn't you show up?" Elsa asked.

"Neal and I broke up."

"Really? Why?"

"He lied to me about everything. He was trying to sabotage Killian's company. You guys were right. I should have listened to you."

Elsa put a hand on Emma's shoulder and squeezed it gently. "It's fine, Emma. You just have to get over him. Maybe we can go to a bar tonight and you can get laid."

Emma broke out into laughter. "Nah. I think I'm just going to go home after we finish shopping."

"No, no. We are taking your mind off of that asshole, and we are going to have fun."

Emma chuckled and they sat in silence until the got to the mall. While they shopped, Emma found that her thoughts were being drifted away from Neal. From Killian. From work itself. Elsa dragged her to the dress department of the store, and Emma inwardly groaned.

"I told you that I'm going back home after we finish here." She told her friend.

Elsa smiled. "Yes, but you didn't say how long you'd be there. We are going to go to a bar tonight and we are going to get drunk and regret it in the morning. It's time to live a little, Swan!"

Emma chuckled at her friend and they shopped for dresses. They went through all of the revealing ones, dresses that couldn't even call themselves clothes. All the dresses that they went through, didn't seem to catch Emma's eyes. Not until they came across a red one. It had long sleeves, but the skirt was short. Elsa handed her the dress and shoved her towards the dressing room. Emma tried it on and it fit perfectly. She admired her figure in the mirror, and smiled.

'Okay, maybe I could go out tonight.'

Emma stepped out of the dressing room and Elsa was standing there, waiting for her. The woman's jaw dropped and Emma laughed. "That's it. That's the one. Change out of it and then I'll try mine on."

She nodded and took the beautiful dress off. She put her regular clothes back on and stepped out of the changing room. Elsa stepped in with her bright blue dress and shut the door. Emma leaned against the wall, waiting for her friend to exit. When Elsa did, the dress was sleeveless and went down to her mid knees. There was a slit down the side that went to her mid thigh and Emma found herself nodding excitedly as Elsa laughed.

"It's beautiful!" She said and Elsa twirled around again.

"You think so?"

"Absolutely! Let's buy these and get some dinner. I'm starving."

"Okay. And then you can tell me what has been going on between you and Mr. Jones."

"There is no me and Mr. Jones!"

"Sure!" Elsa said in a sing-song voice and disappeared back into the dressing room before Emma had a chance to say anything.

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