Chapter 37

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The next day, Emma and Killian had dinner at their house with Liam, Elsa, David, and Mary Margaret. Of course, Liam and Elsa knew that the couple was engaged because they had been at the restaurant the night before, but no one knew that Emma was pregnant. They all gathered around the dining table that was barely used and Emma put down the dish of cheesy mashed potatoes and sat down next to Killian. Her hand quickly finding his under the table. He gave her a reassuring squeeze and she glanced over at him. He smiled and nodded his head ever so slightly. His finger came to her ring and he would twist it as far it would go before going the other way. It had been hard to hide it from Mary Margaret and David. Emma knew it would have been easier to take it off, but she really didn't want to.

"We're engaged!" Emma announced with a smile. Mary Margaret clapped her hands and squealed excitedly.

"Yay! Can I help with the wedding plans? I love to plan weddings! What about your bridesmaids? Where are you going to have it? When are you going to have it? Sorry, sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. I can't wait for this, you have no idea." Mary Margaret said with a huge grin on her face.

David stood up and walked over to Emma and leaned down to hug her. "Congratulations to both of you." He patted Killian on the back and went back to his seat.

"That's not all." Killian spoke up. He turned to Emma with a smirk and she was already looking up at him and smiling. "We're expecting a baby."

"Oh my gosh!" Elsa squealed with excitement. "How far are you along?"

"A few weeks, but we have an appointment with the doctor Monday. Nothing is going to go wrong this time." Emma said with a determined look on her face.

"I'm in charge of the baby shower!" Elsa said putting her hand up, volunteering herself.

"I'm happy for you, little brother." Liam said with a smile. "I'm happy for both of you."

Emma sat back in her seat. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. Liam was happy for them both. After trying to break them up, he was allowing them to move on with their lives in this relationship of theirs. Was it possible it was because of Elsa? Had she actually changed him for the better? Showed him that love was worth the risk? Emma wasn't sure, but she sure as hell wasn't going to question it.

"Let's eat, I'm starving." She said and reached for the plate of chicken.

Killian's hand found itself on her stomach. "You're always hungry now." He mentioned with a chuckle and they all dug into the food.

After everyone ate, Emma, Elsa, and Mary Margaret cleaned the table while the guys went in to the living room to watch a sport game. They piled up the dishes and worked to clean them, dry them, then put them away.

"So, Mary Margaret, any kids on the way with you and David?" Elsa asked with a suggestive smile on her face.

Mary Margaret blushed and dipped her hands back into the warm, soapy water to look for more dishes to scrub at. "We're trying now. Just started, actually. But, it's only been a week, so no babies yet."

"I see." Elsa nodded. She turned to Emma. "What about you and Killian? Any wedding or baby plans yet?"

Emma shook her head. "Not yet. The first thing we wanted to do was tell all of you guys, so we really haven't had time to talk about anything yet. All I know, it that I want to do the wedding before I have this baby. Just so I won't have to worry about finding a babysitter for two weeks while I'm away from my child for the first time. All that amazing stuff, so I'm just going to give up drinking and spend time with my husband for those two weeks."

"You guys are so romantic."

"How's the long distance thing been treating you?" Emma asked Elsa.

"Yeah, um, about that..." Elsa trailed off. "Liam offered me a promotion at his office in New Jersey. I'm taking the job."

"What?" Emma and Mary Margaret asked in unison.

"Yeah. I get to spend more time with my boyfriend instead of seeing him on a computer screen for two hours a day. It's been hard, and he suggested the idea of me moving to New Jersey and me taking a job in his building. We'd be living together of course, and this has just been going so well. His divorce has been finalized so we are free to live how we want. We both want this relationship to work."

Emma put her hand on her friend's shoulder. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too!" Mary Margaret said and quickly dried her hands, then hugged Elsa. Emma joined in and they all started to silently cry.

"But you have to do what makes you happy." Emma said as she pulled away and wiped her tears. "You also have to promise to visit us often."

"I definitely will." Elsa said, wiping her tears away. She looked over to see that all the dishes were clean and put away. Just in time for Liam to come in.

"Love, we should get going." He stated. David and Killian came in shortly after.

"We should too. Work and all tomorrow." David explained. He held out Mary Margaret's coat and helped her slip into it. They all gave their final hugs and handshakes, then the two were out the door, leaving Elsa, Liam, Emma, and Killian behind.

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Emma asked Elsa as they hugged.

"Yep. I'm not leaving for another few weeks, but I will definitely be here for your wedding. And don't think that I won't be here for when the baby's born. I'll see you tomorrow morning." Elsa explained and pulled away.

Killian and Liam gave each other a hug and Emma and Killian watched as Liam and Elsa left. They shut the lights off and went upstairs. Emma quickly changed into a nightgown and fell into the bed with a loud sigh.

"Tired, are we?" Killian asked with a chuckle.

"You have no idea." She sighed and rubbed her eyes. "Working, and then cooking dinner, and then cleaning up just took a lot out of me. I don't know why."

"You are carrying another person, love. We could have always cleaned up tomorrow."

"I wanted to get it done tonight. It gave me, Elsa, and Mary Margaret a chance to talk without any input from you guys. But, me being pregnant is not an excuse."

"Swan, don't." He crawled onto the bed and sat on his hands and knees to look at her while she was laying down. "I'm not like most guys. You can eat however much you want, sleep however much you want, be as tired as much you want. I won't judge you. You want something? I will go and get it for you."

Emma propped herself up on her elbows and kissed him sweetly. Killian moved on top of her, but made extra sure he wasn't crushing her with his weight. He moaned into the kiss as Emma reached back to squeeze his ass.

"Another thing about being pregnant. My emotions are out of whack. Make love to me?" She asked, giving him the best puppy dog eyes she could muster.

"It would be my upmost pleasure."

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