Chapter 38

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Two Months Later...

Emma was now three months pregnant, and it was the day before the wedding. She was staying at David and Mary Margaret's house for the night so Killian wouldn't see her before the wedding. After all, it was bad luck. She knew she would need all the luck in the world. She was missing Killian terribly. Her phone was lighting up with text messages from him, and she was trying to reply as fast as she possibly could. But, she kept telling herself that it would pay off in the long run when she was walking down the aisle in a beautiful white dress and seeing him in the front of the church.

Planning the wedding in two months was a very stressful thing to do. There was booking the church and making all the invitations, and getting flowers and decorations. Ordering the cake and the ice sculpture that Killian had insisted they get. Emma was praying that everything would be delivered and set up on time. Killian tried to help as much as he could, but Emma found that he really wasn't sure what to do. But, at the end of each day, he would massage her feet or back, whichever she wanted him to do most. And that was why it was so hard to stay away from him now.

'I miss you. Screw tradition and bad luck myths. I'm coming to get you.'

'Babe, you know you can't. I want everything to be perfect for tomorrow, and whether this thing is a myth or not, I need everything to be perfect.'

'Love, as long as you are walking down that aisle, it will be perfect.'

'You are adorable.'

'I know. Just promise me that we are going to get married tomorrow and we can live happily for the rest of our lives together.'

'I promise. Nothing would make me happier than to marry you.'

'I love you.'

'I love you too.' Emma looked over to the clock to see the time 11:59. 'I have to go. We should sleep. We have a big day tomorrow.'

'Aye, I know. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, my love.'

'Bye, Killy. Night.'

'Night, my Swan.'

The next morning, Emma got up early and showered. She did her hair and makeup along with Ruby's help. Elsa had flown in sometime the night before and was helping her too. Mary Margaret was already at the church putting the finishing touches on the decorations. David had agreed to help Killian get ready along with Liam, so it was just Elsa, Ruby, and Emma in the house. Ruby fluffed Emma's hair while Elsa put the finishing touches to her makeup.

"There. Perfect." Elsa said and put the makeup brush down.

"Your hair is amazing!" Ruby exclaimed.

Emma turned to the mirror and gasped in shock. "You girls did a wonderful job! I can't even recognize myself."

"Killian is going to love it." Elsa stated.

"I wonder what he's up to right now." Emma wondered aloud.

Killian was already at the church. He was messing with his tie, trying to get it tied, but was failing. Miserably.

"Brother, you do it like this." Liam sighed as he took the tie and started looping it in place. "I figured you'd know how to do this by now."

"I can't concentrate. I'm nervous." Killian confessed, smoothing out his suit once Liam stepped away from him. "I'm too excited to marry Emma. I just can't think straight."

"It's a good thing you're nervous. If you hurt her, I swear to God you will be buried six feet in the ground." David threatened.

"I thought you said you liked me, mate." Killian argued.

"I said I liked you more than I did Neal. I still don't like you."

Killian rolled his eyes. His fingertips were cold. He held out his hands and they were shaking. "Brother, relax." Liam said, bringing him to the couch and letting him sit down. David grabbed a water bottle and tossed it to the older Jones. Liam held it out for Killian who took it, but didn't drink from it. "I've never seen you like this before. What has you scared? Are you worried that she isn't going to show up or that she's going to change her mind?"

"No, no. I'm just worried about what she's going to say about all of this. She wants everything to be perfect, and I'm trying to make her happy. But, what if something goes wrong? She's carrying our child and I want her and it to be happy and healthy. Maybe having the wedding so soon was a bad idea..." Killian trailed off.

"It was her decision, wasn't it?" David asked.

"Aye. It was because of the baby. She said she wanted to still be thin so she could fit into the dress, and I kept telling her that it didn't matter, but she kept arguing with me."

The men fell into a thoughtful silence until the music started to play out in the church. Killian stood up and walked out, taking deep breaths the entire way. Sooner than he expected, the doors opened and all the guests stood up. Emma walked in with her bouquet of roses. All the nerves Killian was feeling rushed out as love and admiration filled his eyes. He couldn't even pinpoint how he felt at that moment. All he knew, was that all the people disappeared and the music drowned out. All he could think about was marrying the love of his life.

He didn't pay attention to the preacher as he said everything about them loving each other throughout anything. Killian was already going to love her with every breath, and everyday his love for her was going to get stronger and stronger. He said vows about how he felt from the very beginning and how he felt now. Emma did the same. With quick 'I do's,' they kissed and went to the after party. Emma changed out of her dress into a shorter white one that hugged her figure perfectly. He waited for her outside of the changing room. Emma dragged him to the bathroom and he smirked.

"What are you doing?" He asked, placing his hands on her hips.

"I want to have a quickie in the bathroom with my husband."

"Love, as much as I desire you, I don't want to have our first time as husband and wife in the bathroom of a church no less."

"Everyone is going to the bar. How about the car?"

"I like that idea much better." He leaned down to peck her lips and dragged her out to their car.

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