Chapter 26

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When Emma left the coffee shop, she decided to go to a bar. She didn't want to go home and feel sorry for herself all night. Even though she wouldn't be out with any of her friends, she could still eavesdrop on all of the drama that happened at the bar. She could also watch and listen to the awful karaoke of all the other drunk customers and laugh her ass off in the process. She didn't have work the next day, so why not get drunk and regret it all in the morning? She parked her car and went inside, then found a seat at the bar. She ordered a glass of whiskey and took a small sip. She looked down the bar to see who else was around. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw a very familiar person sitting at the end of the bar, drinking something in a tumbler of his own. Emma quickly turned her head away and moved away from the bar, and into the crowd. She sat at a booth at the other end of the building and continued sipping at her drink while scrolling through the news on her phone. When another drink was placed in front of her, she looked up and swallowed nervously.

"Can we talk, love?" Killian asked, standing over her.

Emma cleared her throat and nodded. "Yeah. You can sit down if you'd like."

"Thank you." He said and sat down across from her while twirling his glass around on the table. "Tell me your side of the story."

"I came in to work this morning and went to my office. The door was unlocked, and you were the only one that I knew who had a key, so I guessed that you were probably in there doing whatever it is that you do. I opened the door and found it strange that the curtain were closed. So, I turned the light on and opened the curtains. When I turned around, Liam was standing there and the next thing I know, is that he kissed me. I tried pushing him off, but he wouldn't let me go. Not until you came in. You have to know that I would never hurt you, Killian." She grabbed his hand from across the table. "I don't like Liam. I'm sorry, but I hate him. Why would I kiss someone I didn't like? I knew Liam would try to break us up, but I never would have guessed that he would do something like this."

He leaned back in his seat, but kept his hand in hers. "That explains why your key was missing this morning."

"I'm so sorry." She whispered, and took her hand back. "I never wanted to come in between you two. You're brothers. Family is forever. Not some girl that doesn't even deserve you."

"You deserve so much, Swan. Don't think that. Please. You are so special. You're too good for me."

Emma let out a breath through her nose. "That's not what your brother told me." She mumbled as she took a drink of her whiskey.

Killian let out a sarcastic laugh. "He used to be so nice. I have no idea what changed him. I'm sorry, Emma. I really am. For both of our behaviors. I told you I wouldn't jump to conclusions, but I did. Liam has never lied to me before. It's just hard picturing that he would lie about this."

"If you want to stay broken up, I understand." She looked down to her hands and started picking at the nail polish.

"Do I make you happy? Because you make me happy."

"You do make me happy. I just want you to be happy too. If that isn't with me, then I'll be fine."

"Oh, Swan, I don't care if my brother is there for me or not. He's family. No matter how mad he may be at me now, he'll forgive me eventually."


Killian reached up to the necklace around his neck and pulled it off. There was a ring on a chain. He held it up so she could see it. "This ring is my good luck charm. I want you to have it. Maybe it will bring you good fortune too."

Emma reached up to the necklace and took it out of his hands and looked at it. "I can't take this Killian. It's your good luck charm. You need it more than I do."

"No. I have my new lucky charm. You."

Emma laughed and put it around her neck. She looked down at it and a bigger smile spread across her face. Killian chuckled and drank the rest of the alcohol in his glass and stood up. He held his hand out for her. "What do you say about us getting out of here and going back to my place?"

"I've never been to your house before." She stated, taking his hand and standing up.

"Then how about we change that?"

"Where is Liam staying?"

"At a hotel. Why?"

Emma shrugged. "I just wondered. It would be pretty awkward if he was staying with you, and then I would come over."

"With any luck he'll get an earlier flight and head back home."

They walked out of the bar and back to Killian's car down the road, but didn't make a move to get in. Instead, they just stood in front of the car. Killian's hands had found their way to her waist, while Emma's arms had draped around his neck.

"You guys should just make up. Don't let me be the reason why you are fighting. Talk to Liam. We all should talk, actually. I know what happened last time we all tried to do that, but we may have a better chance in private."

"Are you sure that is what you want to do?"

"I haven't run from my problems since I was a kid, so yes, I'm sure."

He smiled and ran his hands up her back, only resulting in her wincing in pain, then flinching away from his touch. "I'm so sorry! Shit!" He looked back up to her. "Let's get back to my house and I can look at your side."

"But, what about my car?"

"We'll come back for it in the morning." Killian kissed the spot below her ear then made his way over to the passenger's side and opened the car door. Emma sat down and he quickly got in on the driver's side and they drove off in the direction of his house.

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