Chapter 28

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Once Emma and Killian went upstairs to his bedroom, Emma's phone started ringing. Killian was unbuttoning his shirt and threw it to the floor. He jumped on the bed and turned on his side, watching Emma grab her phone. Whoever was calling her must have been important because she tensed up. She answered it, and he laid behind her listening to her side of the conversation.

"Hello?" She asked shakily.

"Is this Emma Swan?" The woman on the other end asked.

"Yeah. Who is this?"

"My name is Erica. You are listed under Ruth Nolan's emergency contact. We thought you should know that she passed away about twenty minutes ago."

It felt as if the whole world stopped spinning. Time stopped ticking. Emma couldn't breathe. Tears pricked her eyes as she raised her hand to her mouth in surprise. "Oh." That was all she could get out.

"We are going to do an autopsy, if that's okay with you. No major damage will be shown if you choose an open casket funeral. You can pick her body up tomorrow at 3:00."

"Yeah. I'll be there. Thank you."

"I'm sorry for you loss, Miss Swan." Erica said before hanging up.

Emma put her phone down and leaned her head in her hands while her elbows balanced on her legs. She didn't want to cry. But, that was a part of grief. She felt the tears fall, but they were trapped by her hands.

"Swan?" Killian asked from behind her. He put his hand on her shoulder. "Who was that? What did they say?"

Instead of answering, she turned around and hugged him. She buried her face in his bare chest and cried. He could feel her tears hitting his skin, but couldn't find himself to care. All he cared about was his Swan, and what made her so upset. He ran his hand down her back in an attempt to sooth her.

"She-she-she's gone." She cried. "My mom is gone." She whispered in between sobs.

"I'm so sorry, love." He wrapped his arms around her tightly. "I'm here. Let it out. There's no need for those silly walls around me." He whispered gently.

It was silent for awhile, besides Emma's sobs and her sniffles. She finally pulled away and took a deep breath as she laid her head on the pillow. Killian reached up to wipe away the tear streaks. He gave her a small smile, but Emma couldn't return it. She clenched her eyes shut tightly to avoid more tears to fall down her face. She turned over and grabbed her phone. Killian watched over her shoulder as Emma dialed a phone number, then held the phone up to her ear. He brushed her hair off her neck and laid gentle kisses on her neck. He knew what Emma needed right now, was comfort. Not sex.

"David, did you hear about mom?" Emma asked. "She passed away tonight. We can get her body tomorrow at the hospital at 3:00.... I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, Dave. I love you." It was a few seconds after that when Emma hung up. She snuggled back against Killian and held onto his hand.

"Everything's going to be okay, love." He whispered as he nuzzled her neck.

"I know." She sighed and squeezed his hand.

The next morning, Killian and Emma left the house early to pick up her car which was still at the bar. She waved him goodbye and drove off to David's house. They agreed that they would take his truck to the funeral home, then go back to Ruth's apartment to go through her things. Emma refused to cry in front of so many people when they picked Ruth's body up at the hospital. David wasn't doing too well either about losing their mom. After dropping the casket off at the funeral home, David drove to the apartment with Emma in the passengers seat of his truck. She was staring out the window quietly. David grabbed her hand and she turned her head towards him.

"She's in a better place now. She isn't in pain anymore. She's happy where and looking over us both." He said, glancing between her and the road. 

"I know." Emma said, leaning her head against the headrest. "I just miss her already." 

"I do too." 

The truck pulled into the parking lot and they went inside and were quickly let up to Ruth's old apartment. Emma and David decided that they would start sorting through things that were in the bedroom first. They made a pile for all of the things that held sentimental value and a pile of things that they could throw away. They worked like this for all rooms of the apartment. It hadn't taken them long to sort through everything, but they hadn't brought the proper equipment to put things in and take them to the truck, so that would have to be saved for another day. 

Emma was currently in Ruth's bedroom looking through the rest of her things when she came across a paper. It had hers and David's names on it. She opened the envelope and took out the letter. 

'David and Emma, if you are reading this, it means that I have passed away. But, I need you both to know that I may not be in the physical world anymore, but I will always be with you in your hearts. In this envelope, there are two coins. As you know, your father crashed his car on the way home from work. It had happened shortly after we got you, Emma. But, he had two souvenir coins on him. One for each of you. That was his gift for you both. Mine, is money. I know, it's not as special as what your father had, but you will get some use out of it. 

I kept something from the two of you. I was the daughter of a wealthy business man. I was his only child, so I inherited everything. I refused the money at first, choosing to raise a family on my own without my father's money, but that money is waiting for you both. I already divided it up so you both have an equal amount. I hope you both don't let it go to your heads. Emma, find your happiness like I know you will. David, stay with Mary Margaret. You both are so hopelessly in love, it's adorable. 

With so much love, Mom.' 

Emma sat down on the bed as she finished up the letter. She dug in the bottom of the envelope and pulled out a small bag that held two dime sized coins. She pulled one out of the bag and looked at it. As she did, a tear rolled down her cheek. David came into the room a few minutes later and she held the letter and the bag that had the coin inside, out for him. As he read over the letter, tears of his own appeared. He knelt down and hugged Emma. 

"I told you. She'll always be with us. Both her and dad." David whispered with a smile. 

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