In that moment he unlocked the safety of the gun and pointed it at me, in that moment Tim was with me again. Well not actually with me, he was furious and who to blame. But he stood next to me again, he wanted to protect me. 'If you won't shut up I kill you this instant sit the fuck down' he yelled. Tim pulled me next to him, I squeezed his hand trying to get a reaction from him but he didn't squeeze back. He left me hanging there.

'What do you want?' I asked. 'Is that not clear right now? it's obvious I want you. I love you Alexandra and I can't think of a reason why Timothy Ashfort here wants to stay with you after this secret, our secret is exposed' he said.

'He is right I don't want anything to do with you' Tim said. And in that moment he broke my heart. 'You have too much secrets and you are going to ruin me' he said. 'So you are just going to give me to him?' I asked. 'No I am not just going to give you to him, that is and will be your choice but I don't want to be a part of it not anymore' he said. How could he, why is he doing this does he really want to end things like this? In this way?

'See your boyfriend or should I say ex boyfriend knows how this will end, that is you with me where you belong and him in the spotlight being the man slut he always was. Alexandra you're life is, no let me rephrase that. Our life is going back how it was isn't that what you truly want?' he said in a question. Am I suppose to answer it or something?

'You know what Roger, shoot me' I said. I didn't cry, or blink. I rather be dead than I have to spend another minute with Roger alone in this cruel world.

'Excuse me?' Roger answered not sure if I ment what I was saying. 'I am serious shoot me, I rather have you shoot me dead then I have to spend another minute with you alone' I snapped. 'Fine' he said and shrugged his shoulders. 'If I can't have you, no one can' he said and pointed his gun towards me.

I closed my eyes, ready for the pain to enter my body but the pain never came. All I could hear were the sounds of a struggle. A struggle between Roger and Tim. Tim attacked Roger and they were on the ground rolling around. I quickly grabbed the gun and pointed it to Roger. 'Stop' I screamed.

They both stopped struggling. Tim had a blank face and Roger just smirked. 'You can never shoot me you love- argh fuck' he screamed when I shot him in the leg while he was talking. 'Bitch' he yelled, I grabbed my phone and dialed 911. Tim could hold him down, his blood was smeared over my bare legs. My hands were shaking so bad I dropped the gun, Tim immediately grabbed it and pointed it to Roger.

'It's over buddy' he said. 'No I've won, she is in pain so much pain just to bring it up and the best of all you don't want anything to do with her' he laughed and the tears came again. He turned his head and looked at me. 'I am and always will be blaming you for his death, you are the one that let him die' he whispered. And those words were carved in my brain, the painful words I knew were true.

I sank back on the couch, took the painful picture in my hand and just looked at my pregnant frame. I looked so happy, I was so ready to welcome him in my life. He was the only thing in the world that kept me from going insane besides Tessa of course.

In that moment, the police stormed in they took it over from Tim. I put the photo away. 'Miss' the officer asked me. 'Yes?' I answered. 'Are you alright? We were asking for you already three times' the police officer said. 'I apologize, I was just lost in thought' I said. 'Maybe the doctor in the ambulance need to check you out, you could be in shock' he said. 'No I don't want any sort of doctors, I am fine' I snapped. The officer sighed but agreed even when he didn't want to.

'We were looking for this young man quite a while now, he can do no harm to anyone anymore' the head officer said to Tim. 'Good' is all he said the officers took him away and Tim and I were left alone.

When I gasped for air it was shaking, actually my whole body was shaking. Maybe I was going in to shock. 'Then I suppose i'll go' I whispered more to myself then to Tim who was looking at me desperately.

'Angel why didn't you tell me' he asked me. 'I need to get my stuff in this little bag, it won't fit i'll come by next week to pick the rest up. Don't send the resignation letter to my boss yet. I suppose I can't work for you anymore either' I said ignoring his question. 'Angel stop' he said trying to get a hold of me but he was clear. He doesn't want anything to do with my anymore.

'Alexandra' he snapped, and my head went in his direction. 'I'm so sorry' I cried holding the photo In my hands. Something snapped, the tears won't stop. 'You hate me and I am so sorry for that' I cried. 'Angel' he tried, 'no stop it you are angry at me' I said. 'Yes I am, I am furious but angel I already knew' he said. 'What' I whispered.

'Yes I already knew, just like I already knew that you were in prison and that you were dealing angel please come to me' he said. 'No you did that back round check on me you didn't trust me I get it' I said. 'No angel because you wouldn't let me in' he said. 'But then why?' I asked him. 'Angel he needed to believe me' he said. 'No that is cruel, Tim why you broke my heart' I yelled now angry as hell.

'Will you stop screaming at me' he asking still extremely calm. 'You know what, no I am not going to stop screaming at you. I am angry Tim, you tricked me and played with me. Why didn't you confront me? every normal person would' I screamed. 'I wanted to give you the chance to tell me yourself but you never did. I doubt you ever would why?' he asked me. 'You want to talk about the thing I fear most, the thing I wished, went different, you want to know what happened to my son?' I screamed with tears. He was silent, 'you had a son?' I nodded. 'I can't do this Tim' I said. 'What do you mean?' he insisted.

'I can't deal with this, I just can't' I said and left him I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I locked the door and undressed myself. I threw myself under the hot shower and sank to my knees. Why does everything needs to be so damn difficult. He is a bastard, and I love that bastard. I know I own him an explanation, but I can't I am not ready and I am not sure when I will be.

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