Chapter 11: A Night to Remember

Start from the beginning

            The raven haired girl chuckled while Lilith rolled her eyes. “Whatever, can we please get going now?” Lilith asked. “The sooner we go the sooner we can leave and I can return to my normal, beautiful, self.”

            Dante nodded his head in agreement. “There’s also the preparations that need to be made for the ball tomorrow.”

            Selene looked down at the imp with a confused expression. “What preparations?”

            “Based on the measurements I acquired from the clothes in your possession the king has had the royal seamstress make a gown for you tomorrow,” Dante stated. “You still need to try it on tonight so they can do any last minute alterations to it.”

            Selene groaned in irritation, picturing the frilly nightmare that the gown was going to be. She despised gowns more than anything in the world dreaded the thought of having to go through a fitting for one. “It’s be a shame to miss that,” she muttered sarcastically.

            Alice couldn’t help but smirk at her step sister’s obvious displeasure as she linked her arms with Selene and Lilith. “Then our chariot awaits ladies!”


            The dance was held in the school’s gymnasium, like any other high school function, and was decorated in numerous frightening decorations for the Halloween season. The drama club even set up a miniature haunted house that lead through the halls of the school. It was all Selene expected it to be. Lilith looked around the gymnasium with her nose crinkled at her surroundings.

            “Well, this is…quaint,” Lilith stated as she her eyes pierced the darkness of the gym, scanning the interior.

            “Do you see everyone else?” Selene asked Alice.

            The blonde girl looked around the dark gym, her eyes squinted trying to adjust to the darkness and the flashing lights. “I think they’re over by the opening of the haunted house.”

            Selene looked in the direction Alice’s attention was drawn to. Sure enough the rest of their group were standing there, waiting to go in. When the three joined the rest of their group, Molly smiled at them while Lilith and Dante scowled in return.

            “You’re just in time!” Zeke stated with a smiled. “We were wondering where you guys were.”

            “And right when they play a slow song too!” Molly exclaimed in excitement. She grabbed hold of both Zeke and Selene’s arms and pulled them in the direction of the dance floor, earning a scowl from Lilith who soon followed, pulling Alice behind her.  

            “I’m sorry about this,” Zeke apologized as he nervously placed his hands on Selene’s waist. “Molly kind of decided this on her own and, well…you know Molly, once she gets an idea in her head she doesn’t stop.”

            Selene chuckled nervously and nodded as she placed her hands where they belonged on Zeke’s shoulders. “It’s ok.”

            The two of them began to sway in time to the music, each of them saying nothing as they did so. Dante leaned up towards Selene ear and began to whisper. “Be wary of him Selene,” the imp warned. “He and his sister are not to be trusted.”

            Selene’s brows knitted together at the imp’s words. What could be dangerous about Zeke and Molly? They were normal humans, weren’t they? The more time that passed as they swayed the more Selene became curious about what Dante meant. Her eyes locked on Zeke’s slender form and concentrated on it, trying to concentrate on the one thing that she struggled to see around both humans and ghouls; an aura. Her eyes narrowed and honed in on it, struggling to get a good look at it in the dim lighting and the flashing lights of the dance floor. Finally it revealed itself to her and right away she was enveloped in a wave of cold air that stunk of death and chilled her to her core. Her fingers wanted desperately to twist around the dangling beads of her rosary that beat across Zeke’s werewolf costume when she was able to get a good look at Zeke’s aura. Her eyes widened when she saw he was enclosed within a black shadow that whipped around him violently like a tornado and threatened to throw her hat from her head from the sheer force. She felt her whole body go numb as her heart dropped into her stomach to do three-hundred twenty-two summersaults into her chest. This aura of Zeke’s was making her physically ill the longer she was in it. There was only one instance where she had encountered an aura like that one and that aura was much larger and more powerful because it belonged to the king of the land of the dead.

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