Chapter 2

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 Chapter 2 – The tortured place known as school

Emelle's POV

I was running a little late this morning.  I quickly put on a change of clothes, skipped breakfast like usual, and ran out of the door.  I ran to school, my hair tangled in the wind.  By the time I arrived, I looked like a hot mess and the bell had already rung. 

I ran to my first class without grabbing my books from my locker.  My locker would never open anyways, so why should I waste time?  As I walked into English, my teacher was already lecturing the class. 

"Ms. Emelle, glad you could join us today.  Care to explain why you're late?"

"Sorry, it won't happen again, I swear", I responded not really answering her question. 


"That's enough students! Get back to your assigned book reports."

I quickly slid into my seat at the back of the classroom where nobody cared if I was drawing instead of working.  The bell rang 20 minutes later and I was grateful class was over.  I guess it wouldn't hurt to try to get into my locker since we had a 15-minute break.  I walked to my locker and attempted to open it but it still wouldn't unlock.  After my 5th attempt trying I heard The Clique behind me. 

The Clique is a group of annoying girls.  I'm almost 100% sure that every school has one of these groups. 

"Oh look, its Emelle," said one of the snotty girls in the group.  Her voice had a hint of disgust when she said my name. 

"Lookie here, guess ya can't open your locker let alone find the right type of bleach to drink."

"Why don't you just kill yourself already?"

"How many parts of your body do you cut?"

"Have you TRIED to die in a hole yet?"

"You're such a slut! How many guys do you hook up with at night?"

"How could she be a slut Ashley, she's obviously way too ugly and fat to get ANY guy."

"You're right girls, all Emelle will ever be is worthless."

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes.  I wouldn't let them spill.  I wanted to be the one with the last word.  I wanted to be satisfied. 

"The only thing you and your group of bitches will ever be are useless bullies who have nothing better to do but to TRY to lower a girl's self esteem.  You know what that is? That is so PATHETIC!" I spat. 

The bell rang right on time after I finished my rant, but instead of going to my Science class I walked towards the exit door.  I ran to the forest, I needed to clear my head.  Even though I appear to be a strong person and send out the "I don't care" message, I already know what the Clique tells me is the truth.  I finally leaned my back against the stump in the forest and curled up into a ball.  I didn't want to exist, I just wanted to disappear.  I put my head down on my arms and tried to take up as little space as possible.

And that's when I started to cry. 

Author's Note:

Hello my little onclings, how are you today?  In your school do you have a group like the Clique?  My school does, and I call them faeries.   Hehe but no one knows so don't tell them!! Just to let you know, this was definitely more of a filler chapter, but I like it because it explains why Emelle is so insecure.  It will come in handy for later, I have a huge master plan for you!  Vote, comment, share and all that other stuff!! Already almost done the next chapter so watch out!!  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave me comments I love reading them, they give me inspiration to write the next chapter.  Even if its just "Hi I love OUAT too!" or something I'd love to know that you care.  Keep up with the constructive criticism I love it!  Update soon!!


Twitter: @Briana_OUAT

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