Chapter 32 - A New Beginning

Start from the beginning

He looked at me dubiously, but I just leaned my head on his shoulder, nuzzling into a cozy spot. I could already feel jet-lag taking over.

“Where are we going?” Kris asked, looking out the windows at the beautiful cloudy sky, promising rain. I never understood why English people complained about the horrible weather. They wouldn’t last a week in Kansas, and when they got back they would never complain again about the chilly weather.

“We have to head straight to the meeting from here,” Liam replied from the front seat next to the driver, “You’ll have to wait in lobby until we’re out, girls. Sorry.”

“It’s fine,” Erin sighed from beside me, “I might take a nap.”

We all chuckled, but then the car went silent. I was nearly about to fall asleep when the car came to a stop, jolting me awake. I glanced out the weekend and saw a huge, important looking building with “SYCO” printed in silver on the glass door. We were suddenly rushed from the car into the building, where we were met by a desk.

“You know where it is, boys,” The receptionist said, upon seeing the boys. Her name tag read “Cherry” and she had red hair to match the name, making me giggle. They thanked her warmly, and headed down a lobby on our left.

After a seemingly long walk on gray carpet, the hallway opened up into a small lobby furnished by slick black geometric chairs, a plain red rug, a glass coffee table, and framed posters around the walls with various British artists. A few, I noticed, were One Direction.

“I guess this is where you have to wait,” Louis said to me apologetically.

“It’s fine,” I replied, reaching up to peck his lips, “good luck.”

“Thanks,” He smirked before wrapping his arm around my waist and leaning over, pushing lips against mine. Just as I was responding to it, he pulled away, leaving me wanting more.

With a sneaky wink, he turned to leave with the boys and I huffed out a sigh, wrapping my green sweatshirt covered arms around my torso. I turned to find the girls sitting around the chairs.

It only took about seven seconds of me sitting in the uncomfortable, chalky-feeling chairs for me to already be completely bored.

“We should do something.” I said, looking around at my friends.

“Like what?” Rikki asked sarcastically. “Hop around like bunnies until they get back?”

“No…” I trailed off, ignoring her sarcasm. You just had to do that sometimes with her.

My eyes locked on the clear table, and I tipped my head in thought.

“Do you think they would mind if we moved this table?” I asked them feebly, pointing at it.

Kris squinted her eyes suspiciously at me, but then looked at the coffee table and shrugged, “I don’t see why they would.”

I recruited Kris and Erin to help me pick up the surprisingly heavy table and move it outside of the square of chairs while Rikki tried to wake Heather up. With the table out of the way, there was a large amount of space in the middle; just enough to dance.

“Do you guys remember that routine I taught you a while back?” I asked them, grabbing Kris and moving her to a specific spot on the rug.

“Yeah,” Erin said, “The one to that TLC song?”

“Well, I taught you using the Glee version, but yes, that one,” I had moved everyone so we were facing one wall, with Erin in the middle, me behind her a bit and to the left (from where I was looking), Kris behind her and to the right, with Rikki in front of me and Heather in front of her.

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