Chapter 35 - Makin' Bacon

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A/N: Shoutout to my friend Ashley, for making me get off my lazy butt and update :) luff you Shlay


~Grace xx





“There’s bacon!”


That’s how I woke up. Harry had leaned his head into the room I shared with Louis and yelled for us to wake up. However, when “bacon” was spoken, my head shot up from the pillow. As Harry skipped away, strangely chipper for the morning, Louis laughed at me.

I started to tear myself from the bed, but two arms wrapped around my waist and held me back.

“LET GO, THERE’S BACON!” I shouted, scrambling around in the sheets, but not able to escape from his trap. I will admit, though, it’s not a bad problem to have.

“Mmm but I want you here,” Louis mumbled, hair flattened across his forehead. He had pulled me down so I was laying on him, his eyes still closed.

“Well, you can get up too, and have me with you, but I can still have bacon,” I bargained.

One blue eye popped open and a grin was quick to follow it. He started to pull me towards him but before our lips could touch I was out of his grasp, catching him by surprise.

“WE WILL CONTINUE AFTER BACON!” I shouted, zooming from the room and down the stairs.

As I sprint I smooth my hands over my hair, and pull it to the side with a hair band around my wrist. I probably looked awful and horrific, but there was food involved so it was okay.

When I reached the kitchen, all of our friends were sitting around the dining room table. Harry’s parents were nowhere to be found, but considering how loud they were being, I figured they must be out of the house, not sleeping.

“BACON!” I screech, getting their attention.

“Don’t worry sweetie, I saved you a plate,” Kris said, patting the empty seat next to her. A plate was in front of it on the table, piled with loads of bacon, pancakes, and hashbrowns.

“Oooh thank you,” I said, kissing the top of her head as I sat down.

Soon Louis was sauntering into the kitchen, his hair shoved back from his face. He took the seat next to mine and pretended to pout until I kissed him on the cheek.

“So,” Harry said, sitting down at the table so we were all there, “I have a proposal for you guys,” We raised our eyebrows.

“Yeeesssssss?” I inquired.

“Ed called me up last night, and suggested we get together with some friends and go to a karaoke bar as a belated birthday party tonight. So I told him I’d ask you and if you were  up to it, I’d be in. What do you think?”

“You had me at karaoke!” I shouted. Everyone broke into laughter and it was decided that we were all in.

Then it hit me.

“Wait,” I froze with my fork in my hand, “when you say ‘Ed’, do you mean…?”

“Yeah, Ed Sheeran,” Harry nodded.

The Cover Girls (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz