Chapter 6 - Here For You

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A/N: Bad news: Wattpad won't work on my computer. Updates will be a bit choppy until it decides to work again.

Dedication goes out to my close friend, @Pandxx because tomorrow is her birthday!!!!! YAY!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVELY PANDA BEAR!!!

~Grace xx



“Why did they have to leave?” Erin sobbed into my shoulder.

“They’re international superstars, honey,” I comforted her, even though I was thinking the exact same thing, “They couldn’t stay forever.”

“It’s not fair.” Heather added, her arms folded, her expression cross. None of us were very happy, although we all knew deep down from the beginning that our time with the boys wouldn’t last forever.

“Like the almighty and wonderful Dr. Seuss said,” I grinned, trying to be strong, “‘Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.’”

“April’s right,” Kris helped me out, “And if Dr. Seuss said it, than we better obey.”

After that we mostly just sulked for a while. No one had the energy or drive to really do anything, so we became couch potatoes. Kris even suggested watching The Notebook, a tradition of ours, but it was denied on account of no one needing to cry any more than we already had.

It’s amazing how it could feel like a small piece of you has left along with someone you care about, when their gone. Or in this case, someones. Although, I won’t lie; There is a little section of my heart with the initials, “L.T.” permanently scratched into it, maybe a little deeper than the signature, “1.D.”

About halfway into the groups second bag of M&Ms the doorbell rang.

We all froze for a second, caught in a state of nostalgia from the last time that bell had sounded.

But, I still got up, and I dragged my somber butt to the door and opened it, not even trying to smile for whoever was there. I had lost 5 friends. Why should I smile?

“No way.”

“What? Not gonna scream this time?” Harry asked with a smirk.

“OH MY GOD, NO WAY!” I screeched, launching at the five boys.

“What is it this ti- BOYS!” And suddenly, everyone was hugging.

“What the hell are you doing here?!” Erin shouted, tugging them inside.

“Psh, you didn’t just think we were gonna leave, did you?” Liam asked, beaming, “We just went to get our suitcases so we could stay longer, silly!”

“Wait a minute,” I said, my eyes widening at the notice of the boys’ suitcases, “You’re going to stay with us?!”

“As long as it’s fine with you,” Niall replied, grinning his adorable crooked-toothed smile.

“OF COURSE IT IS!” I shrieked, jumping up and down in excitement, “OH MY GOD! OH MY CAS!”

I looked over at Louis, to see if he got my Supernatural joke. Which, by his grinning face, I could tell he did.

“Do you know what this means?!” Kris shouted, “IT’S TIME FOR THE MOST AMAZING SLEEPOVER OF EPIC PROPORTIONS, EVER!”


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