Chapter 3 - No One Beats The Queen of Dance

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A/N: Okay, so, the winner of the dedication is TheLionheartress!! The song she chose was Same Love by Macklemore & Ryan Lweis ft. Mary Lambert. I LOVE THE MESSAGE OF THAT SONG!!! :D It's on the side, give it a click!

Well, in this chapter, you will understand the name of the book, so woo!!! :D

~Grace xx



    “You like Just Dance 4?” I heard Harry ask Kris, as I helped Heather set up her Wii. He’s seemed to take a bit of an interest in her. Hmm...

    “No, I just like watching April beat anyone who dares to challenge her to a dance,” She replied, chuckling. Yes, that’s right. I am the queen of this game.

    “Okay, so who’s gonna lose to me first?” I asked, turning around to face the boys with a smirk, after I had clicked on the Just Dance 4 icon showing on the flat screen that faced the couch. Erin had pushed the ottoman over to make a dance floor-like area, while I pulled my dark brown, slightly wavy hair that went down to just below my chest, over into a side ponytail to stay out of my face.

    “I’ll give it a try,” Louis said, standing up to take a wiimote from Heather, “I’m pretty good at this game,”

    “Well, don’t expect to beat me,” I talked smack to him, as he took his place next to me.

    “You’ve never seen me play before,” He replied with a smirk, looking me in the eyes.


    And with that, I scrolled through the list of songs, before landing on one, and making sure Louis was okay with my choice. This would be a piece of cake.

    As the first notes of Good Feeling by Flo Rida began, Louis and I moved far enough away from each other to not hit the other while dancing.

    We both lifted up our hands in a circley shape, mimicking the person on the screen, starting the dance. Then, pulling together all of my practice playing this game for hours upon hours, I danced like there was no tomorrow.

    I heard murmurs from the boys’ mouths as I got ‘perfect’s on nearly every move. Louis, I must say, was great at this game. Just not quite as great as I was.

    “Oh my god,” Louis said, bending over and placing his hands of his knees, trying to catch his breath.

    “WOOO!” I heard the girls shouting and fist pumping in celebration of my victory, when the dance was over.

    The boys were playfully teasing Louis for losing, but I held my hand up to high five him.

    “You have been a worthy opponent, Tomlinson,” I said, as we smacked palms.

    “Same to you, whatever your last name is,” He chuckled.

    “Paige. April Paige.” I responded with a small smile.

    “Okay, my turn. I pick the song.” Harry spoke up, making me snap my eyes away from Louis’.

    “Fine, but no whining when you lose,” I said to him.

    “Oh, please!” Harry replied, but I could see in his eyes that he knew he could never beat the Ultimate Just Dance 4 Player.

    We danced on for a long time, I, of course, beat Harry, along with everyone else who played against me. I also witnessed Rikki and Zayn do a rendition of Mr. Saxobeat, which was, let’s just say, interesting.

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