Chapter 21 - You're Beautiful, It's True

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A/N: Hehe, this chapter title has a James Blunt reference... why am I allowed on this website, I'm like a drunk five year old.

Ookie, so this chapter means a lot to me. I think you'll see why ;)

And, TO EVERYONE READING, as the wise words of James Blunt go, "You're beautiful. You're beautiful. You're beautiful, it's true."

You're all beautiful. No exceptions.

~Grace xx



“Do I have to go?” I whined from inside the bathroom while I was brushing my long hair.

“Yes, you do!” Harry shouted back.

“But whyyy?”

“Because the girls say so!”

I dropped the brush on the counter, and pulled open the door to find Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Liam all standing, waiting for me.

“But I don’t like shopping!” I insisted.

“Well, that’s just too bad.” Niall crossed his arms with a smirk. “Because that’s exactly what we’re spending the day doing.”

I trudged down the stairs in my red jeans and a Doctor Who shirt, the boys following closely behind, laughing at how grumpy I was.

But what can I say, they’d woken me up before 9, and immediately told me that the girls were staying home with Louis to do some secret thing of unknown sorts (which already had me worried) and informed me that I was being taken, against my will, shopping.

Don’t get me wrong; I love shopping. But I love shopping for t shirts and shorts and multi-colored jeans (mostly online); not dresses and pretty things, which was on the agenda for the day. First off, I wasn’t girly at all. Second, things like skirts and fancy dresses just didn’t... fit me.

I avoided shopping at all costs. Every time I’d try something on, it would look horrible, and just make me think about how terrible my body looks. It hurts a lot more than you’d think to wake up in the morning and look for some clothes, only to find that every single pair of bottoms you owned, whether it be shorts, leggings, or pants, were all permanently folded forward in the front from my fat hanging out of them.

“Okay, so do you boys know what to do?” Erin asked them as they lined up in front of the door. Louis and the other girls were standing behind them with giddy grins, making me fear for my life.

“Yep!” Niall chirped, his Irish accent thick, a lopsided grin on his face. “Take ‘er shopping and get ‘er  some fancy clothes!”

“Good!” Rikki piped up. “Now, I know her brown puppy dog eyes may be tempting, but you’re shopping for classy items of clothes. No tees, no jeans, none of that. Strictly dresses, skirts, and fancy shirts. If you have to, make Liam give her puppy dogs eyes back, because we all know that when a puppy goes head to head with another puppy, the puppy that has rock-hard abs always wins.”

“I second that Liam has fine abs!” Erin raised her hand, making us all laugh.

“Why do I even have to do this?” I complained.

“Because of reasons.” Kris said. “But trust me, you’ll thank us one day.”

I muttered something not so family friendly and rolled my eyes. I doubted I would thank her for making me dress up in something I felt completely uncomfortable in.

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