Chapter 32 - A New Beginning

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A/N: WOOP ANOTHER CHAPTER! :D This one is dedicated to me irl friend Ashley, who just got a wattpad and started reading my stories :)

So, it's three days till Christmas! I wish you all to have happy holidays, whether you're celebrating Christmas or not! Stay safe, and I hope you have a wonderful time!


(I'm asking for books and a Loki hat ^.^)

~Grace xx



“Holy tits,” I said, hitting Louis’ arm, “holy tits, holy tits, holy tits.”

“What?” My boyfriend laughed at me.

“We’re in England!” I whisper-yelled, realizing it was seven o’clock in the morning, and other people on the plane were probably trying to sleep.

Louis rolled his eyes with a silly smirk, and I spun around to look at the seats behind me. The girls were all flipping out with huge eyes, also leaning around their seat to look at each other.

The plane landed and there was a whole commotion of getting our luggage, but it was all blurred in my memory by the excitement of being in the United Kingdom. My heart felt like it had swelled a few inches and aside from being a dream come true, the fact that I was standing in London, England felt like I had finally started to live my life.

We made it off the plane and walked into the airport, and were met by the loud echoing voices of travelers. I looked behind me at our group, and found that the boys had met up with a few security guards that had been waiting for them at the entrance, along with shoving on hats and sunglasses.

Louis grabbed my hand and shot me a smile, pulling me into his chest, embracing me.

“This might be a little overwhelming,” He whispered in my ear. The girls were pairing with the guys, and the bodyguards were already forming a circle around us. It reminded me of some spy movie, and for a moment it felt ridiculous that they need guards at all when the airport seemed relatively calm.

And then the screams began.

It started as one girl a few feet away shrieking, and then her friend began shouting the boys’ names. I pulled away from Louis, and shoved the frog hat I had brought with me on the plane down my face so no one would see me. We started to rush through the crowd as more screams broke out, and I could feel a headache forming behind my ears from the crazy shouts of fangirls. Of course I wasn’t judging them, though, considering I would probably be doing the same thing. But as it started to get honestly hard to move through the gathering mob, I was worried.

Hands were being pushed through the bodyguards, and subsequently pushed back out. Once I felt a hand grab hold of the hem of the sweatpants I was wearing, and Louis immediately wrapped his arms protectively around my waist, and pulled me into his side like we were physically connected.

By the time we had escaped the growing mass of mostly girls with their moms, and raced into the black van waiting for them outside, I was thoroughly shaken up. I’d seen pictures and videos from when mobs start in the middle of airports, but it was a whole new level of scary when you were involved in the real thing.

“Are you okay?” Louis asked me as we settled into the seats of the large van and took off our disguises.

“Yeah,” I breathed heavily, “I’m fine.”

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