Chapter 7 - It's ALWAYS A Good Time

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  • Dedicated to McKinley

A/N: Well, here it is! A chapter full of Lapril adorableness ^.^ Sorry I didn't update earlier, but again, my computer is freaking stupid >.<

This chapter is dedicated to someone who isn't on Wattpad. Her name is McKinley, and she's a great friend of mine from school. She's really been there for me when I needed her, and I'm sooo greatful. This one's for you McKinley :)

The song in this one is on the side, by the way!! :D Enjoy!

~Grace xx



I took in a deep breath, then let out a content sigh, cherishing the wonderful feeling of the soft blankets and pillows enveloping me.

But something was missing.

Stretching out an arm, I felt around for the body that been next to me last night, but I soon realized I was alone.

Where was April?

With sleepy eyes And tired muscles I pushed myself up and off the comfortable bed, but the thought of seeing April was an equivalent consolation prize.

I walked blindly through the dark room hoping to not trip on the hardwood floor, I somehow reached the door without gaining any serious injuries; that is, unless you classify a toe stubbed by a doorframe serious.

When I pulled the door open I was greeted only by the bright light coming from the open bathroom. Taking light steps I crept the few feet to the door.

I peeked in curiously, careful not to be seen. My eyes, now adjusted to light, watched as April squirted a bright orange substance from an oddly shaped bottle into the palm of her hand. Then, with her hair pulled back in a loose braid and a headband trapping any strays, she gently rubbed what I assumed was face wash into her soft skin.

Some guys prefer girls to look polished, like they had worked on themselves for hours before being seen by anyone. But I liked it when girls were natural. When they weren't hidden behind layers upon layers of make-up. I'd rather a girl be herself, with visible imperfections than have their face painted on.

That's how April looked in that minute as she splashed water on her face then dried it off with a white towel. She was already beautiful, but even more so when there was no barrier between her and the world. There was only April.

And that's what I like so much about it. I could see April, and April only.

Suddenly realizing that I shouldn't be spying on her, I quietly took a few steps back before pushing the door closed with a dull thump, like I had just come out.

"Hey April," I whispered from the bathroom door, making my presence known.

"Oh, Lou, hey," She replied, startled by my sudden appearance, "Good morning,"

"You too," I stopped whispering after glancing at the small clock on the white countertop.

9:42 AM. Late enough for the others to wake up without murdering us. Probably.

"Wanna wake 'em up?" April asked, her hair now out of its restraints and pulled over her shoulder.

I responded while stepping aside for her to exit the room, "You read my mind."

We jogged down the stairs together, and were not surprised to be met by the loud snores of our group upon reaching the game room. (Which I had been informed was referred to as 'The Lair')

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