Chapter 9 - Augustus Waters... 'Nuff Said

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A/N: Alright errbody, I hope you're all having a wonderful week! :D Did any of you celebrate St. Patrick's Day? And if so, what did ya do? :)

Dedication goes out to abigail1598 because the Cupid shuffle is FREAKING AWESOME! :D

P.S. Bonus points if you can name what show this is from: "Allons-y Alonso!"

~Grace xx



I watched from the living room couch as April and her dad laughed and laughed while cooking something that smelled amazing.

"They've always cooked together," April's mum interrupted my gazing, a fond smile on her lips as she looked at her family.

Unsure how to reply, as my throat had gone dry, I remained quiet as she turned her head to me with a concerned and curious look.

"Do you miss your parents, Lou?" She asked me, her eyes bright and brown, just like April's.

"A lot," I said, barely able to keep my voice from cracking with homesickness.

"Well," April's mum responded, placing a gentle hand on my knee, "You're free to talk to me if you ever need a mom's wise words."

"Thank you, Mrs. Paige," I said back, grinning, "That makes me feel quite a bit better."

"Dinner's ready!" April called out from the kitchen, and we all stood up to get food.

After everyone had piled their plates high and taken seats all around the living room (April had to bring out a fluffy saucer chair for herself, because there was not enough room for her) everyone dug in.

"Oh my god," Niall said, his words muffled by the food filling his mouth, "This is amazing."

"Agreed!" I said. Taverns were wonderful.

So, we continued to eat, good humoured banter flying from person to person. April's parents and brother made us feel like we were right at home; Part of the big family the girls and us boys had grown to be.

At one point Rikki asked Zayn, "Isn't it hard?"

"What?" He replied, eyebrows furrowing.

"Being away from your family all the time. I can barely stand to be away from mine for a week, let alone weeks at a time.

"It is hard sometimes," He said, speaking on behalf of all the guys, "But you just have to keep your chin up, and think about how great it will be to see them when you do."

The room went silent for a moment, Zayn's words sinking in.

"We're extremely grateful for everything we've got," I added, everyone turning their heads to me, "But nothing is ever perfect. The world isn't a wish granting factory, I guess."

Suddenly, a loud gasp escaped from April's lips, making the room's population snap their gaze to her.

The girls began to laugh when they saw her. One of April's hands was covering her mouth, the other tightly gripping what you would classify as the edge of the chair. Her eyes were wide, so wide i almost looked like they hurt. April's body was frozen, except for her breathing which I could tell she was fighting to keep herself calm, but utterly failing. However, she didn't say anything, just stared at me wordlessly, confusing me until I realized the cause of her reaction, and smirked.

"Oh my god," Kris chuckled, "You, Louis Tomlinson, have actually made the one and only April Paige speechless. Pretty much no one can do that."

"You just quoted Augustus Waters." April whispered, barely loud enough for any of us to hear.

"You're a fan of The Fault In Our Stars?" I asked, my smirk transforming into a smile.


A round of laughs went around the room again, as April sunk back into her chair, staring at me intently.

I spoke again to April, my grin stretching across my entire face, "What?"

"I am just confused," She said in a jokingly serious tone, "You can either be pretty, smart, talented, or funny, not all four. You must have made a deal with a demon or something because that is sO NOT FAIR."

We were all clutching our sides, we were laughing so hard; even April's parents and brother. I'll bet watching her grow into the hilarious person she is now must've been a right laugh!


"Hey April," I said gently, sitting down lightly on the swing next to hers, hearing the low creak of the rusted chain, my weight being the first it had to hold in quite awhile.

After washing up from dinner, I had glanced out a window in the kitchen, and noticed April on an old blue swing in her backyard, leaning her head against the metal links, and decided to come and see why she was outside since the sky was becoming a dark navy color in the quickly approaching night.

"Hey," She mumbled, her voice weak, keeping her gaze on the grass, flattened by many years of being stepped on.

With a gentle voice I asked, "What's wrong?" fearing her answer would break my heart as much as it had the last time we had a late night conversation.

It was obvious to me that if I was anyone else, she would have said "Nothing." And moved on, making a joke. But she knew that I was there for her, and she knew she couldn't lie to me.

"The usual, I guess," She replied somberly. I could hear in her voice the effort she was putting into trying to sound cheerful.

Instead of saying a word, I turned to give her a look, to which she replied with, "Everything just seems to be getting harder and harder. It's like every time I think I might be getting back to the old me, I lose it again."

"Well what happened?" I asked, trying desperately to make her feel better.

"It's not what happened," April said back, her eyes meeting mine, as I could see the moonlight glinting off her watery eyes, "Something doesn't always have to happen to make me feel like this. It just happens on its own.

"And there's no way to stop it," She added, looking away from me with shame.

"It's not your fault," I attempted to convince her.

"Of course it's my fault," April whispered, "I'm the only one to blame."

Taking her hand and giving it a squeeze I replied, "There's not always someone to blame. It's not anyone's fault."

We sat together in silence for a moment, both of us unsure of what to say or do.

"Even though I don't know exactly what's wrong," I said to April, making her look me straight in the eyes, "I'm going to help you, no matter what I have to do. I promise"

April's face changed ever so slightly, an expression of hope vanquishing a tiny portion of the desperation. "Thank you Louis."

I grinned, my heart swelling at the fact that I could make her feel at least a tiny bit better.

"You know, the only thing worse than having absolutely no one is having a bunch of people around, but still feeling like you're alone" April commented, then lowering her voice to a murmur that she thought I couldn't hear, she added "And now I don't feel so alone."

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