Chapter 23 - This Feels Like Falling In Love

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A/N: Okay so I loved all of your comments about your silly injuries! :P I've been on the recieving ends of a few stupid injuries as well, but hey, at least we can all collectively laugh at each other together as reconsile :P And I was especially proud to feel some DW love! :D WHOVIANS UNITE!

However, with winner of the dedication is, drum roll please... dontworrybehippie! :D Even though she got kicked in the eye, she pulled through and got a new personal record at a swim meet! xD And anyone who can get an award for getting kicked in the face deserves a dedication. :P


~Grace xx



“Are you nervous?” Liam asked from beside me in the middle seat of my car. Zayn was driving, with Harry in the passenger seat (he’d informed me that he was able to drive in American cars, although I could tell he was tense) and Niall in the way back, opting to take a nap on the trip back to Heather’s.

“Of course I am.” I murmured, keeping my voice down to not wake up the snoring Irish boy behind me.

“You shouldn’t be.” He whispered back, tilting his head to look at me with sparkling eyes.

During the drive, I’d been pestering the boys about what was going on, but they, to my surprise, didn’t even give me a hint. I was sure that they would crack under pressure, but I was actually quite proud of their secret-keeping abilities. Sure, sometimes I’d probably be able to bribe them for information, but I guess they really wanted whatever was waiting for me, to be a surprise.

I’d also decided that I shouldn’t be scared of what the girls had in store. By the way Liam had told me not to be worried, I was sure of it. He would have warned me if it was necessary.

I replied to Liam with a small smile, then turned my head to face the navy blue sky out my window, trying to calm myself. In my dress and heels I felt out of place, like I wasn’t prepared for whatever was waiting for me. I hated that feeling.

My hands fidgeted in my lap, and I tried to keep myself from pressing my thumbnail into my left wrist, a habit I’d picked up when school started getting hard in the 7th grade, and I was constantly worried. I did it whenever I was nervous; sometimes I’d even accidentally press so hard that I’d draw blood.

“We’re here.” Zayn called from in front of me, making all my efforts to calm down fly out into the cool breeze.

“Stop being so anxious, April.” Liam said soothingly, laying a gentle hand on my shoulder as I closed my eyes and breathed out slowly, hating the feeling of not knowing what was going on. I had a bad history of getting panic attacks, and I couldn’t afford one to be witnessed by the boys.

“You should be happy!” Harry chirped from in front of Liam, making me open my eyes to see his smile. “‘I’m sure you’ll understand when we go inside.”

I nodded, unable to speak, and pressing a fake smile into my lips, hoping it would turn into a real one.

Zayn got out of the car and turned it off as Harry and Liam shook Niall awake. The black haired boy opened my door, offering a hand to help me step out, probably able to tell how nervous I was.

Walking slowly to avoid tripping in the heels that I was proud of myself for not already falling in, I made my way to the door, Liam and Harry each hooking their elbows with mine, acting as escorts.

The Cover Girls (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora