Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 – Emelle

Emelle's POV

My name is Emelle.  I am 17 years old.  My parents don't care about me.  My dad is an alcoholic and he beats me everyday when I get home from school.  My mom left us when I turned 14.  Ever since she left, my dad heavily drinks to solve his problems.  My grades aren't too shabby; they're actually pretty decent.  I get straight B's with the exception of one A in P.E.  I am also athletic, I "train" by sprinting home so I can get home by dad's curfew, 3:05.  My school is a 15 minute walk.  How does he expect me to be home in 5 minutes?  I wish my mom took me with her when she ran away but I guess she never loved me.  I am just a mistake, right?  When dad started beating me, I had no one to turn to.  I have no friends or family, no one I can trust.  I have little hope left, the remains of it are my beliefs in Neverland.  Yes, I said it, Neverland.  As in Peter Pan Neverland.  You may think that I am delusional.  Legend says if lost children are completely isolated, they may say "I believe" in front of their window so Pan's shadow will bring you to Neverland.  You see, I believe in Neverland because of my storybook.  It has every single fairy tale you could ever imagine in it: Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood etc.  I found this book in the woods one day when I was late, rushing to get home from school.  The magical part of this book is that; it's never ending.  There are blank pages at the end of the book where the story still needs to be written.  That's how I know everything in the book is real.  That's why I truly believe.  The book helps me survive.  The book is the thing I want to live for, so I can discover what happens next.  I can still remember the day I found the book...

*flashback to 1 year ago*

The bell rang.  I looked up at the school's clock to see it was exactly 3:00 pm.  Well just my luck, the teacher announced the whole class had detention for 10 minutes because "everyone" was talking.  If I was talking I wouldn't be here.  I knew that I could make it home by 3:15 if I was fast enough, but I didn't want to go home.  If I went home late, I knew I was going to get beaten so hard that he might break a couple of my bones.  At least I wasn't being raped.  YET.  My dad told me on the day I turn 18 he is going to give me a big present.  In translation, it means he is going to RAPE me.  When I become 18 I am running away no matter what because when you turn 18 you become an adult.  Luckily, I turn 18 in 2 weeks.  So finally when class was dismissed I decided to walk home through the forest and take my time.  I was going to get beat anyway, so how bad could it be?  As I was walking, I passed a large stump and began to hear music from a pipe.  I thought I was just imagining things, but as I kept walking, the music got louder.  Finally it stopped, but when it did, there was a book in front of me that read, "Once Upon A Time" in gold font.  I quickly put it in my backpack and ran home. 

When I got home I knew I was in big trouble.  The clock read 3:40.  I tried to sneak into my room when I heard my dad's slurred voice.


I sighed as I quickly dumped my backpack in my room and ran to the living room.  The sight of my father scared me.  I didn't even want to look at him. 

"Emelle, why didn't you get home by 3:05?"

I could smell the alcohol from his breath.

"Uh dad, our teacher kept us in because a group of boys were being loud."


I knew not to scream back or cry because he would hurt me more.  That's what my dad wanted, a reaction out of me so he could have the excuse to beat me more.

He started swinging at me, punching my stomach, slapping my face, knocking me over and kicking my ribs.  I was so afraid in that point of time, I knew that there was going to be a million bruises covering my body.  It hurt so much but I knew that soon I would be able to become immune to this pain. 

Author's Note:

Hey oncers, this is my first ever fanfic!!! I love watching OUAT it is THE best show EVER!!!  Please comment and vote :)  Go ahead and gimme some of yo CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and ideas, it can make my story better!  DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE ONCE UPON A TIME CHARACTERS except for the ones I create! So please don't copy my story, I am trying to be an original! IDK A TITLE FOR THIS STORY SO IF U COULD COMMENT AN IDEA THEN THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!!!! So yeah my authors notes usually wont be this long (hehe sorry) and I bet u no one read up to this point and if you did... CONGRATS leave in the comments "I survived" lol COMMENT VOTE AND ALL THAT OTHER STUFF!!!!! I love you guys bunches and I'll update soon! byeeeee


Twitter: @Briana_OUAT 

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