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Valarin, also called the Eldest Speech, was the first language ever created, spoken by the Ainür, the angelic like being of Tolkien's world. There is no bloody Valarin dictionary, like there is Elvish, Dwarvish & Black Speech, all we have are a few words & most of them are eight damn syllables long. One example is the Valarin name for Telperion, which is Ibrīniðilpathānezel . . . I think I'll manage without a Valarin dictionary,


"What's the matter?" The King under the Mountain asked. "Lost your voice?" Shocked might have been a good word to describe Lyanne at the moment. A blue hood had been pulled over Kili's head and he looked . . . different. God forbid Kili to stay the same, it had been a decade. "I heard a rumour," Kili said,

Irritation began to take her over. "There seems to have been quite a bit of rumours going around lately." She muttered and looked down at the table. It was dirty. "What kind of a rumour?" Asked the Half Breed.

"Does it matter?" Kili asked. "It seems the rumours were true. The Half Breed has chosen to live as a sell sword."

Lyanne snorted, her fingers curled to fists and her shoulders tensed. Through gritted teeth she said, "I really hate that title." and clenched her jaw. Half Breed this and Half Breed that, it made her sound like some lowly peasant. Swears left her lips in a tongue Kili did not understand and he frowned. "Valarin." She said.

Made sense.

"Why are you here?"

"After all this time, that is what you ask?"

"Alright," Said Lyanne and exhaled. "how come the King under the Mountain is so far away from his Kingdom?" She asked. "What is it that brings King Kili of the House of Dürin to these parts where sell swords and bandits rule the lands?"

"An old," Kili thought it about for a moment, biting on his lower lip. "friend," He finally said. "of mine and I have some unfinished business." Lyanne wondered if the Rogash of the Blue Mountains the Dúnedain Isilmo worked for was this friend Kili was referring to.

"Allow me to guess," Said Lyanne. "you tried to have Rogash of the Blue Mountains killed, failed so, and now he want's the King under the Mountain dead." She muttered something to herself Kili could not hear. "Little bastard was ready to pay me handsomely to serve your head on a gold plate."

Kili frowned.

"I turned him down." She said in a whisper with a small smirk on her pale lips.

Completely avoiding the subject, Kili said, "You drink a lot." and looked out the window on his left.

Lyanne hummed. "That I do." She wiped her lower lip. "I don't get intoxicated, I think it has something to do with being part Maia." She said boredly and finished her drink. "Why are you here," She asked. "why not send your men? Why is the King of Erebor in Rohan?"

"I heard that you were in these lands, the people speak of the Half Breed like she is the greatest killer ever to have lived."

Lyanne's fingers curled around the pint on the table so hard to the point where it made s cracking sound and was almost crushed. "I hate that title, I really do." She growled. Her shoulders rose as the Half Breed inhaled sharply, her eyes closed and she lowered her head. "Rhaich." She muttered in Quenyan.

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