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"Thorin." Lyanne sat down infront of her friend. A small smile appeared on his lips, which was rare, and Lyanne smiled, as well. "It has been a long time." She told him.

"Too long."

A soft hum rang in her ears. "Why am I here, Thorin?" Lyanne asked. "Why did you ask me to come here?"

"I need to ask a favour of you. Quite a big one."


Oakenshield looked around. There were men watching them. He spoke lowly, "We are going to take back Erebor, and slay the dragon Smaug."

"Erebor?" Lyanne breathed with wide eyes. "Have you gone mad? You cannot face the dragon, even with the seven dwarf armies, it will be impossible, he will slaughter the lot of you. Who are you going with, to begin with?"

"I have twelve dwarves with me, a wizard and," He paused for a moment, "another memeber of the company. The wizard went out to find him."

"A wizard?" She asked. Could it be . . . ?

"His name, is Gandalf. I am sure that you have heard of him."

Father. "Of course I've heard of him." Said Lyanne casually with a shrugg. "Who hasn't? How do you know him?"

"He came to me weeks ago, and he helped me set this plan in motion."

"And who are the dwarves that you will take with you?" Curious. Lyanne was rarely curious, but she felt a need to know.

"My nephews, Fili and Kili. I am sure you remember them." Lyanne smiled faintly at the memory of the two young Princes. So eager to go to battle, always happy. It had been years.

"Who else?"

"Balin, and his brother Dwalin. Oin and Gloin, Ori, Nori and Dori, Bifur, Bofur and Bombur."

"Bombur." Lyanne could not contain a small laugh. "I must admit, he is good in battle, though."



"Are you with us?" Thorin asked. A hint of hope in his voice.

Smiling at her old friend, Lyanne nodded. "Always."


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