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Lyanne jolted upwards. Letting out a silenced scream and her eyes went wide with droplets of sweat running down her temple. Her dagger was clutched tight between her fingers and she looked frantically around.

Nothing was there.

She gasped for breath and sat up straight. The fire in front of her had gone to a faint glow and the horse to her left pickled.

Her heart pounded against her chest and her breathing was fast. Slow and quick breaths.

Memories in the form of nightmares was not a thing she was very fond over. Lyanne lied back down, rolling over to her side and holding the dagger against her chest. The sound of her horse eating was a comfort. Lyanne did not feel as alone with the animal by her side.

A sob. A tear.

She would always blame herself.

The mare she had trained herself from the moment it had been born touched the back of Lyanne's shoulder with its nose. Lyanne sat up and stroke its brown fur. She smiled faintly. "At least I have you." The horse neighed and laid down next to her. The animal was a wise one and a dear friend.


Days had gone by, each night as she slept Lyanne would dream of the days of her youth. The days of when she lived in Lothlórien with her mother, sister, and Celeborn, the husband of her mother.

Celeborn was a peaceful elf. He tried to accept Lyanne for the sake of his wife, but she would forever be a reminder that his wife had been with another before she had met him. Lyanne sighed and her horse came to a halt before the great forest. Lothlórien.

Lyanne needed to make a stop here. She kicked the mare's sides lightly and the horse entered the large forest. The sound of a branch breaking startled the animal and it jumped to the side, making Lyanne grab the reins tightly and pulled them back to stop her horse from running away.

"Whoa! Easy, girl. Easy." She cooed and reached forward, scratching its ears. "Easy." Lyanne looked around. Her sensitive hearing made out quiet whispers in the vast forest. They believed she was the enemy. Lyanne pulled her hood off her head. "Is that any way to welcome an old friend, Haldir?" A smile spread across her lips but her eyes hinted a smirk.

The pale and blond elf emerged from the trees. My Lady.«" He greeted. He bowed lightly. "The Lady Galadriel, and Lord Celeborn, are expecting you."

Lyanne sighed.


The road to Lothlórien's valley stretched far across the forest. Lyanne rode next to Haldir with all his men behind the two. "Not much has changed." Lyanne mumbled and looked around.

"More has changed than you realize, my Lady." Haldir began. "And the Lady Galadriel hasn't been herself since you left the valley." Lyanne looked down in shame. She knew how badly her mother took her departure and even worse when rumour had spread that she had died. "Ever since you met in Rivendell my Lady has been . . . happier." Haldir said in a loss for words.

"And her husband?" Lyanne asked.

"My Lord Celeborn has not changed one bit."

"Of course not." Lyanne muttered. The valley finally appeared in front of them.

"Lórien." Lyanne breathed. It was as breathtaking as it had always been.

My Lord.«" Haldir bowed. My Lady.«"

Lyanne kept an emotionless expression in her face in the presence of her mother's husband. It wasn't that he hated her, he just wasn't very fond of the half breed. It has been a long time, Lyanne.«" Celeborn approached her. "You have not changed one bit."

"Pleasure to meet you, as well."

The old elven Lord took a step to the side, allowing Lyanne to embrace her mother in a tight hug. My child.«" Galadriel cooed.

"Why are you here, Lyanne?" Asked Celeborn.

"I needed to make a stop and visit on my way to the Lonely Mountain."


"How have you been?" Asked the pale blonde haired elf.

Lyanne thought about the time she'd been away from Lórien. The good and the bad. "It has been . . . all right, I suppose." She sighed.


"Amras and Irimë died shortly after they joined me." Said Lyanne.


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