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This chapter will be about the time Lyanne spent in the empty void in the previous chapter & also of what Gandalf, Elrond, Galadriel & Saruman did while she was passed out. It goes into depth of what she experienced and was put through there.


"Show yourself!"

Lyanne . . .

The silent gasp seemed to echo forever. It grew more silent but it never seemed to face. "What is this place?" It was dark, pitch black. Lyanne could see nothing but her own body. There was . . . a small light shining right above her that lit up the spot she stood on, other than that it was dark.


Time passed. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes into what felt like hours. It was an empty, never ending void sucking the power out of her. Lyanne felt herself grow tired, weak in fact. The power she felt coming from the pendant around her neck seemed to fade more by the second and by now, the half breed began to feel afraid. And then . . . she realized. She realized where she was. "A never ending void." Said Lyanne. "A void. The Void." The second her sentence had finished a blinding flash exploded and a bright light lit up her surroundings. Once the flash had died out it got dark again, not the darkness the Half Breed had been in earlier, it was like standing in an empty field during a calm night. Small lights shined above her, they looked like the stars. Stars in a moonless sky.

Light appeared from behind and hit her back, casting a large shadow. Lyanne turned around and closed her eyes as the bright light hit her eyes. Squinting and holding her hand in front of her face, Lyanne walked towards the light. Once there, it faded just enough for her to be able to see what it was. A tree, black and streaked with gold.

"Is it . . . ?"

Half Breed! A deep voice hissed from her right. Black strands of hair whipped through the air and Lyanne's head jerked to the direction of the sound.

A shadow.

A figure, large as a mountain and with wings even larger, casted a great shadow over the landscape, if you could call it. Her eyes widened and it felt like she had been punched right in the chest and lost her breath. Lyanne took a step back and felt a pair of hands grab her by the arms.

»There is no light in the Void. Only darkness!» Echoed a dark voice in the language of Mordor. Black Speech. A lidless eye made entirely of fire suddenly appeared at the top of a black tower that seemed to touch the skies.

"It cannot be." Breathed Lyanne and clenched her teeth as the grip on her arms only tightened. A scream of frustration echoed and she yanked her arms forward but found herself laying on her stomach with her cheek pressed to the cold hard marble ground. Marble? Opening her eyes and taking in a deep breath, Lyanne took in her surroundings. "I have been here before." She said quietly.

The floor was grey, the walls were multi coloured. A sickening, ghostly green at the bottom and darkening until it turned black at the ceiling which was as black as a starless night sky. It was empty, though. Lyanne stood to her feet. She felt nauseous and looked around in the great halls she was in. There was not a living soul. She saw no creatures, good or evil. It was empty. A never ending sound was in her mind, it was distant and faded by the second.

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