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Lyanne shivered as memories came back to haunt her. A few hours earlier they had reached Esgaroth, Lake Town, and Bard had offered the two a place to stay. Tomorrow they would return to Erebor. The little house was warm and it felt safe. All though anyone could barge and kill them in their sleep.

Lyanne ran her hand up her left upper arm and to her shoulder. The scars would forever remind her of the War of Wrath. "He's coming." Whispered Lyanne. "He's coming! Take cover!" She closed her eyes and her breathing shook.

Ancalagon the Black could blot the sun out from miles and miles away. Had they said.

She took a deep and sharp breath as images of searing hot fire flashed before her eyes and the screams of her men echoed in her mind. "Take cover, you fools! We can't fight the dragon! Run!"

"We can stop him!"

"We can't! Run!"

It was the worst battle in Middle Earth's history. No battle had ever since or before been greater or have more casualties.

Flames as hot as volcanic fire burned soldier after soldier. Men died as well as elves, but the dragon did not stop there. "Half Breed!" Lyanne's sword fell from her grasp, eyes wide and lips parted. Her jaw dropped and horror filled her eyes as her head raised and she took a step back with blood running down her pale skin. "You are . . . different, from what I had imagined. My Master wants you, your power is like none other. He never said he needed you in one piece, though!"

The War of Wrath was the worst thing these lands had ever suffered.

Lyanne screamed so loud she thought her lugns would explode. Fire engulfed her and burned away her skin. Her flesh turned black and the stench of rotten meat filled her nostrils.

Her own rotting meat.

"I believed that you would put up more of a fight. Does that pendant not allow you to change shape into anything you want?"

Lyanne inhaled sharply and her eyes shot open.

"You all right?"

"Memories." Her voice was low and soft.

"My Master wants you."

A number of feather like strokes ran the length of the scars on her back."Never seen these before."

"Did you know that some elves can conceal their scars?" Lyanne smiled faintly. "From time to time I lose control."


"First age. The War of Wrath."

"I've heard tales of the war. Thorin used to tell us of the battles, dragons, and of Morgoth."

"Sauron is a mere shadow of what Morgoth was." Lyanne suddenly said. "And the dragons . . . Smaug was nothing compared to the great serpants and the firedrakes. Standing next to them he appeared as a grain of sand next to a mountain, this tiny speck on the tip of their nose."

"Who did this?" Kili asked and pressed his lips against the back of Lyanne's shoulder.

"The greatest of them all. Ancalagon the Black he called himself. His voice could be heard from a mile away, his fire reached for hundreds of yards and could swallow an olifant as if it was a blueberry."

Not quite sure what to say to her, instead Kili wrapped his arms around Lyanne and pulled her closer to him. He places a small kiss on her cheek. "It's in the past."

Lyanne exhaled in relief as Kili kissed the side of her neck. "That bloody oversized snake killed most of my men. Almost killed me."

"These," Kili grazed his fingertips across the scars on her back. "show that you survived where the dragon didn't. You're all right now, it was long ago."

"I'm old." Lyanne frowned.

Kili smiled. "You're young for an immortal." He pulled her back into the bed and she laughed silently and sat up straight in his lap.

"You don't know how old I am."

Kili opened his mouth to speak but stopped himself. "No, I do not."

"Guess." Lyanne smiled.

"I'd rather not."


"I'll guess wrong."

Her eyes softened and she leaned down to kiss him. "Guess." She whispered.

"Seven thousand?"

Lyanne kissed Kili's shoulder. "Guess again."

"Eight?" Her lips pressed against the scar on his chest. Lyanne then pressed her lips against his.

"M-m." She shook her head.


The corners of her lips twitched to a smile. "Close."


"Twelve and counting."

"Well," Kili started. "still young for an immortal." Lyanne exhaled and smiled as Kili reached up to kiss her. As he ran his hand from the length of her arm to the back if his neck his fingers brushed against the scarred skin of Lyanne's back in a way that left her shivering under his touch and her breath was shaky. Kili turned her over, laying her down underneath him and he supported his body on his arms as Lyanne struggled to even out her breathing.

"Sorry, I . . . I'm not used to it." She apologized and Kili shook his head.

"It's all right."


"You're leaving already?" Asked Bard.

"We've been gone from the Mountain for quite some time. I worry about the lads."

"Be careful. You can never be sure when danger comes."

"Unbelievable that you doubt me after knowing me for so long." Said Lyanne.

"Ah, I'm getting old. And most old men fear for their more impulsive friends." The bowman smiled and chuckled.

Lyanne grinned. "No need to worry about me. I'll be just fine."

"I hope so. I hope you'll come visit soon."

"We can only hope. Goodbye Bard."

"Goodbye Lyanne."


"Aye! You're back!" Bofur smiled widely. "Hey lads! Kili and Lyanne are back!"


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