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"You must eat." Said the grey wizard. Lyanne raised her brows with a look of no in her bright orbs.

His dark, bushy brows pulled together in a frown and to his right, the two elves and the white wizard shared a worried look. Days had passed since Lyanne had woken up from her slumber, if you could call it that, and the Council could see that she had changed. Lyanne had grown more distant, more quiet, she barely ate or slept and spent almost every day in Lord Elrond's massive library. She would spent every waking second in there on reading book about Morgoth and his powers. The dragon Ancalagon, the good creatures who turned evil and the power of the One Ring.

Lyanne's bright grey orbs met those of her father's. "I need to speak with you," Her gaze fell on the remaining of the White Council. "alone." His words replayed in Lyanne's mind. »My forces rally. My servant grows stronger in power. Soon he will find his weapon and use yourself to free meA countless amount of questions raced through her mind and the half breed rubbed her wrist. Though this, one stood out . . . if the Ring of Power was the key of getting the Black Foe out of the Void, why had Sauron not used it already to free his Master? Why did he rule the lands for an age, had he been consumed with power? Whatever the reason, Lyanne had seen the Great Eye in the Void. An eye with no lid, made of fire.

"What is it?" Asked Gandalf the Grey softly.

Sweat began to run down her pale skin and her hands shook. Lyanne's fingers balled into fists. "I saw him." She breathed in a whisper like voice. Gandalf's grey eyes hardened and he asked carefully,


"Him." Said the half breed. Teeth clenched and lips parted, she looked down and swore. "I saw all of them." She looked horrified.

A feeling all to familiar to Gandalf took him and he grasped Lyanne's shoulders, forcing her to look at him. "Who do you mean by all of them?"

"»Them . . .« Lyanne spoke the First Tongue. "»He said I'm the one destined to free him.«" The tongue of Valinor sounded so foreign to the grey wizard. "And I could feel it," Said his daughter as tears prickled far back in her eyes. Her silk smooth skin turned rough and darker, a foul smell filled the air around them and Lyanne inhaled shakily. "the fire. A thousand times over, I could feel his flame on my skin and I knew that it would never stop because when you are in there you can't die, you can't, so they torment you and they torture until you give in and they-"

"Lyanne," The fear was evident in the wizard's voice. His bright eyes stated deep into Lyanne's and a warm tear ran down her cheek. "did you tell him anything?"

Lyanne remembered . . .

Where is it?«"

"I don't know."

"»Where,«" He roared. "»is it?«"


"No." Lyanne said quietly. Tears stung in her eyes and ran down her pale cheeks. The rough skin on her left shoulder and the most of her torso turned into the softest of skin again and she looked down.

Gandalf could see . . . so much guilt in Lyanne's eyes. "What did he do to you, child?" Asked Gandalf softly and calmly.

Half Breed - Lord of the RingsWhere stories live. Discover now