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"Lyanne?" Amras asked. "Lyanne." He said sternly. Lyanne let out a sound which indicated that she could take no more. She grabbed the reins and the horse came to a halt.

"Nha . . . !" Lyanne's hand went to the back of her shoulder.

"No! Denethor, wait!" Amras shouted as Lyanne fell off her horse. Denethor turned his mare around and galloped to his two only remaining companions.

"What happened?" Denethor demanded.

Amras turned Lyanne around from her stomach so that she lied on her back. Lyanne grabbed Amras' arm and let out a pain filled scream as she moved her arm. "They shot her." Amras told Denethor. "Poison." He breathed.

"Go . . ." Lyanne breathed.

The two males turned their gazes to her. "No." Amras protested.

"Not a chance in this world or another that we will leave you behind!" Denethor raised his voice.

"Go!" Lyanne looked at the surviving twin. "Both of you! I am as good as dead, there is no reason for you two to die as well!"

"We won't leave you!" Denethor shouted.

"Yes you will!"

"»I won't lose someone else!«"

"You don't have a choice . . ."

"Leané!" Amras yelled. "We will not leave you! You will heal and kill the scum who killed the others. Do you not see it? We can't just leave you." Lyanne looked up. She lied in Amras' arms and Denethor fell to his knees beside them.

"Leave . . . don't die because of me." Lyanne whispered.

"No . . ." Amras whispered.

"Go . . . go!"


"»Bring me the Half Breed's head.«"

Lyanne grabbed the horses saddle and tried pulling herself up. She yelled in pain as an arrow hit her leg. Azog the Defiler roared for his minions to kill her. Lyanne managed to pull herself up on the horse. Amras and Denethor were long gone. Lyanne knew were they would go, to the Woodland Realm. It was where she would go as well.

Another arrow hit her in the side. This time she bit down and held in her cries. "Hiya!" Lyanne kicked the horse's sides.

"»After her!«" Azog shouted.

Wargs, Lyanne thought. Their howls could be heard behind her. They would catch up to Lyanne before she would reach the Realms. "Noro lim, Aremas. Noro lim!" Lyanne spoke to her horse in her mother's tongue. The animal neighed loudly and raised its head and sped up. "Noro lim!"
{Noro Lim means [more or less] Run Faster, or Go On}

Three wargs suddenly appeared in Lyanne's path and she pulled back the reins as hard as she could. Her horse reared and neighed in fear as it saw the large wolves.

"»Your time has come. Half breed.«" Azog's spawn, Bolg, spat. "»Bring me her head!«"

Lyanne turned her horse to the right and kicked its sides to make it run.

"Dha!" Lyanne fell off the saddle once more. Her horse had reared, Azog and his white warg had appeared and frightened Lyanne's horse so much it reared so hard it had fallen back. But a horse is an animal you can always rely on, and despite being scared out of its wits, Ameras, Lyanne's black stallion, stood protectively in front of Lyanne and neighed loudly. It was a threat to the white warg to not come closer.

Lyanne gasped.

Just as the warg was about to attack the horse, it was shot with an arrow in its paw.

An elven horn was heard and soon dozens of elves appeared.

"»My Lord Legolas. She is dead.«"

The blonde elf kneeled down at Lyanne's right side. "Leané." He ran a finger down her cheek and whispered her name. Legolas stood up. "»Take her body to Lothlórien.«"


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