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The white stallion galloped its way across the river, crossing between the borders of the land of the men and the house of Imladris. Rivendell. That was where her mother waited for her. Lyanne, panting, kicked the horse's sides and the animal sped up. Soon, Lord Elrond's house came into view and Lyanne pulled the reins towards herself and her horse came to a halt.

Lyanne sat on the horses back and looked down onto the valley. Her sensitive ears picked up the shrieks behind her and the creature that would not dare venture into the elven valley. She turned the stallion back and faced the creature. It was alone.

"»Half breed.«" It spoke in Black Speech. "»Soon, you will lose all that you hold dear.«"

Lyanne furrowed her brows and remained silent. But drew her sword as it drew its own. "You wouldn't dare." Lyanne said. The sword the creature held was old, and had been touched by fell magic. It made sense who this being was and why he had chased her all the way to Rivendell. "Witch King." Lyanne whispered.

It turned its horse and rode away as quickly as it could. Lyanne remained still and kept her horse on its spot until she was sure he was gone, then she turned the animal around and galloped as quickly as possible to the house.


"Leané." Lindir greeted in the elven tongue.
{In the elvish Lyanne's name is pronounced Leané}

"Lindir." Lyanne smiled in relief at a familiar face. She dismounted the horse and grabbed the reins, leading it forward. "Mellon."

"»Allow the guards to take your horse. The White Council is waiting for you.«"

Lyanne handed the reins to one of the elven guards and let Lindir lead her to where the Council was. The Council was made up of Gandalf, Galadriel, Elrond, Saruman and, now, Lyanne.

"Took you long enough, child."

Lyanne scoffed. "I'm not a child." She gave the white wizard a smile.

Saruman smiled. "It's been a long time."

"Indeed it has. Where are the others?"

"On their way. Lord Elrond and Gandalf had matters to tend to. Lady Galadriel is on her way."

"She is not here?" Lyanne questioned.

Saruman sighed. "No. She was severely weakened a while back."

Panic began to spread across Lyanne. "What happened?"

"That, mellon, we shall discuss when the Lady arrives." Elrond appeared. Gandalf behind him with Galadriel by his side.

The Lady Galadriel could not contain the smile that made its way up to her lips. She held her arms out and Lyanne, now in her true form, wrapped her arms around her mother.

My child.«"


"The Witch King?" Saruman asked. "Are you certain?"

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