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My dear friend,

It has been many years since we last met. and I must ask a favor of you. Meet me in the old tavern, The Prancing Pony, in the small town of Bree, and I shall explain everything to you. But hurry, there is very little time!

Thorin Oakenshield.

Lyanne read the letter quietly to herself, and the raven that had delivered it flew away. It had been nearly a decade since she had met her old friend. She wondered what this favor was, but mostly, she wondered how they all were.

It was late. The sun had set hours earlier, and Lyanne was nowhere near the town of Bree. She had to leave quickly. So, she put out the fire and packed her things, making sure she would not leave behind a single thing. She could not afford losing anything, not since she had lost her pendant. Being a dwarf was not that bad, though. They were strong, quick and tough, and it was easy for her to sneak around. Still, she missed being her true self.

Lyanne did not have a horse, it had been killed days earlier by orcs, forcing Lyanne to walk. Not that she minded, she simply did not like to walk for days, weeks, even months, without company, and walking to Bree would take days, so she could not waste any time. She owed this to her friend. Thorin took her in when she had nowhere to go. He gave her a home, a family. He was her closest friend.

Lyanne stood up and took her bow and sword, and started to walk towards Bree.


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