36 • Alya

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    I shrugged the bag on my back as it dug into my shoulder uncomfortably.
   Sighing, I looked at the grey sky, no longer its usual azure colour thanks to the chilling winter that was finally settling in. Clouds covered the sun, and cast a gloomy, lazy mood on the people of Paris.
    I hopped up to the steps of my porch, then took the key out from my bag and slotted it into the key hole on the front door.
    Twisting it right, I pushed open the door and went inside.
    Mum was at work, dad was also still at work, and being the eldest of the me and my two sisters, I had my hands full as soon as they came back from school. Luckily for me, I'm pretty sure that Rouge was still in the school library probably reading her life away and Ava was hanging out with her friends somewhere.
    A tight smile wove its way onto my face as I showed it to the empty lounge room.
Oh what the hell am I thinking?
   I dunked my bag on the rack and grabbed the couple of books that I needed and went upstairs.
   I had a fairly neat room, the walls were a light reddish orange, but they were almost fully covered with pictures of Ladybug or news clips, for future references and journalism.
   I plopped down into my seat, leaning back deeply into it and staring up at the roof.
What would Ladybug be doing right now? Was she leaping across the buildings of Paris, on patrol, or was she just living her normal, Parisian life?
    Sometimes, I would wonder what it would be like to be Ladybug. I practically worship her, she was just so... Amazing. She was someone special, prized, a kind-hearted heroine that everyone looked up to.
   I sigh and look down to my desk, at my books.
   Except, it wasn't my textbook that I was really looking at anymore.
   There, on my desk, was a heptagonal box.
   The wood was polished black, with intricate red designs chipped into the wood in ancient, what seemed like, Asian relics surrounded by swirling patterns.
   I felt my eyes widen at the sight of the box.
   What was it doing here? Who put it there? And why on my desk?
   I knew that my parents didn't own this sort of stuff, and neither of my younger sisters would either. So why did I have it, just sitting, on the table?
   I slowly reach out a hand, to touch it. The urge to feel it in my hands grew greater, as if the thing itself had a magnetic pull towards me.
    Dismissing the whisp of some type of purple smoke, I gently flicked open the lid.
    It revealed a necklace, sitting on what seemed to be a mini red, velvet cushion.
    I delicately handled the trinket, holding it up by the chain in front of my face, to examine it.
    It was shaped like an upside-down candy cane, the tip coloured white while the rest of it was orange. It looked kind of like a fox's tail.
    I looked left and right, as if to check that no one was there, then gently unclipped the lock and slid it around my neck. The pendant felt cool on my chest, sending excited shivers down my spine.
    I struggled with the hooks at the back for a second,mouth at last, it locked into place.
    Then a blinding flash of light lit up before my eyes, burning my retinas. I threw up my hands in front of me to try and shield myself from the light, not having very much effect unfortunately.
    When the light started to dim and clear away, a small, orange figure materialised from the shine, into a shape of a creature...
    I give a short but loud yelp, getting up from my seat and backing away into a bookshelf, where I grabbed a random textbook to arm myself.
    My eyes widened as the small creature took into the form of something that resembled a fox.
    "Oh hi there! You must be my new master. What's up?" It greeted, hovering closer to me.
    I struggled to find my words.
It was talking to me... It was freaking talking to me!!
    "Oh yeah, I'd better introduce myself. I'm Trixx, a kwami, and I like to eat broccoli. What about you?" It asked.
    I was frozen in stupidity for a couple of seconds, thoughts rushing through my brain at a million miles per hour.
What the hell was this? A trick, an illusion of some type? Was it a joke? Who's pranking me? And why me? And what was intended? Didn't it say something about being a kwami? Wait.—
     My eyes widened.
     A kwami.
     Now I remembered.
     Didn't Ladybug have a kwami? A small creature that could apparently transform her into Ladybug? I remember she gave this information to me herself on the night of our interview.
     "Wait..." I started, "you're... You're a kwami?"
      I looked at me with a look that said yeah—are—you—dumb—or—something?
      "So," I continued, trying to see if my theory was correct, "am I the new super heroine of Paris?"
      It sighed in exasperation and nodded.
      "O. M. G." I stated, eyes going wide. "Ohmygosh. Oh. My. Gosh."
      "Let's go over the basics now, should we not?" It asked, raising an eyebrow.
     I nodded crazily in excitement — barely containing my inner fangirl — putting the book back onto the shelf (only barely, as my hands were shaking with trepidation) and walking over to my new kwami.
     It nodded and then began talking.
     "So, as the new chosen superhero, you were called upon to help ladybug and Chatnoir in their fight against Hawkmoth. They are in a dire situation and will need help, for if they didn't, you wouldn't have been needed. To start off, just say 'Trixx, transform me' to transform into your superhero self. You have a special power that you can activate, but beware as after you have used it, you only have five minutes before you detransform. Your power is the ability to make multiple copies of yourself, to distract and divert attention. Your weapon is the flute, and you can transport from one place to another, but at a limited distance. Your mission right now, is to help ladybug and Chatnoir fight Hawkmoth at the Sacre-Coeur on top of Montmartre. It's not going to be easy especially because we, the miraculous are demanding so much of you to do this. I hope you the best of luck Alya." Trixx explained, looking at me with her mischievous olive–green eyes.
    I smiled and took a deep breath as the words registered in my brain. I was going to be fighting by my idol, ladybug in a  vicious battle against Paris's most-known super villain, and end his reign once and for all.
   "Are you ready?" Asked Trixx, waiting for my command.
   I nodded. "I'm ready. Trixx, transform me!"


    I stood on the rooftops of Paris, breathing in the crisp winter air.
    I had quickly gotten used to the roof-top travel, using my ability to transport to make it easier for me to cross the bigger gaps between the buildings.
    The Sacre-Coeur was now in sight, and I could almost hear the sounds of fighting reaching my ears, well, maybe it really was.
    But then suddenly, an overwhelming pain struck me in the head, the sudden headache making me double over, clutching at my hair in hopes of stopping it. 
     It wasn't stopping and I clenched my teeth, trying not to cry out in agony.
     What was happening? Trixx never mentioned any of this.
    I wanted to detransform, to demand my kwami for an answer, but some sort of self-conscience begged myself not to, as if knowing that something bad would happen if I did.
    It was like as if my mind was suddenly clouded with a thick and heavy darkness, a hammer then pounding on my skull.
     But then, the charm on the tip of the necklace around my neck started to burn. It warmed me through my body, sending what felt like power fighting the darkness through my veins.
    Slowly, the pounding ceased, along with the pain, and I was able to recover from my debut and focus my mind again.
Well. That, was certainly weird.
    Then I focused hard on the church, and thought of myself standing in the centre of a great hall. I closed my eyes, and felt the world shift around me.
    When I reopened my eyes, I was standing at the edge of a darkly lit room, the only light source coming through a large window that was shaped almost like a flower.
    And that was when I finally noticed the 28 villains surrounding me, with two figures held down in the centre of the room, the light from the window shining down on them like a spotlight. A man stood in front of them, and he was reaching down towards them. Wait, that was Chatnoir and...
     "Stop!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, converting everyone's attention to me.
     31 pairs of eyes landed on me, and I felt like shrinking back into a hole.
    But I knew I couldn't do that, so I took a deep breath and summoned my power, although early, it was obviously needed in this moment.
    Now armed with several copies of myself at my side, I gained more confidence. Each of the Vixens gave me a nod, the twenty eyes holding the loyalty of my commands.
    "Let them go." I demanded, my voice coming out surprisingly more confident than I was feeling myself.
    "And who are you?" Trust Marinette to ask questions.
    "I'm Vixen, the super heroine who was sent to help you guys."

Again, miscalculations, oops. The next chapter really will have the fight this time, well hopefully, since I failed to do that twice already. I was stuck with trying to figure something out on the last chapter so I was like, hey, they need backup! Why not get our little butterfly Cassandra to deliver a new superheroine? Alya! The fox miraculous holder!
Finally found my inspiration!
Well then, until next time,

Miraculous Ladybug: Destiny [UNDER SERIOUS EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now